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ECE 645 Spring 2007 PROJECT 2 Specification. Topic Options.

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1 ECE 645 Spring 2007 PROJECT 2 Specification

2 Topic Options

3 Public Key (Asymmetric) Cryptosystems Public key of Bob - K B Private key of Bob - k B Alice Bob Network Encryption Decryption

4 RSA as a trap-door one-way function M C = f(M) = M e mod N C M = f -1 (C) = C d mod N PUBLIC KEY PRIVATE KEY N = P  Q P, Q - large prime numbers e  d  1 mod ((P-1)(Q-1))

5 RSA keys PUBLIC KEY PRIVATE KEY { e, N } { d, P, Q } N = P  Q e  d  1 mod ((P-1)(Q-1)) P, Q - large prime numbers

6 Early Factoring Device – Lehmer Sieve Bicycle chain sieve [D. H. Lehmer, 1928] Computer Museum, Mountain View, CA

7 Supercomputer Cray-1 from 1980’s Computer Museum, Mountain View, CA

8 FPGA based supercomputers Machine Released SRC 6 from SRC Computers Cray XD1 from from Cray SGI Altix from SGI SRC 7 from SRC Computers, Inc, 2002 2005 2006

9 Ruhr University, Bochum, University of Kiel, Germany, 2006 120 Spartan 3 FPGAs Clock frequency 100 MHz Cost: € 8980 COPACOBANA

10 Factoring 1024-bit RSA keys using Number Field Sieve (NFS) Polynomial Selection Linear Algebra Square Root RelationCollection Sieving Cofactoring 200 bit numbers & 350 bit Trial division ECM, p-1 method, rho method

11 Topic 1 Trial Division Sieve

12 Topic 1: Trial Division Sieve (1) Given: Inputs: Variables: 1.Integers N 1, N 2, N 3,.... each of the size of k-bits Constants: 2. Factor base = set of all primes smaller smaller than a certain bound B = { p 1 =2, p 2 =3, p 3 =5,..., p t ≤ B } Parameters of interest: 4 ≤ k ≤ 512 3 ≤ B ≤ 10 5

13 Topic 1: Trial Division Sieve (2) Required: Outputs: For each integer N i : A list of primes from the factor base that divides N i, and the number of times each prime divides N i. For example if N i = p 1 e1 · p 2 e2 · p 3 e3 · M i, where M i is not divisible by any prime belonging to a factor base, then the output is {p 1, e1}, {p 2, e2}, {p 3, e3}

14 Topic 1: Trial Division Sieve (3) Example: Constants: k=10, B=5 Factor base = {2, 3, 5} Variables: N 1 = 408 = 2 3 · 3 · 17 N 2 = 630 = 2 · 3 2 · 5 · 7 Outputs: {2, 3}, {3, 1} {2, 1}, {3, 2}, {5, 1}

15 Topic 1: Trial Division Sieve (4) Optimization Criteria: Maximum number of integers N i fully processed per unit of time for a given k and B.

16 Topic 2 Greatest Common Divisor & Multiplicative Inverse

17 Topic 2: Greatest Common Divisor and Multiplicative Inverse(2) Given: Inputs: a, N: k-bit integers; a < N Outputs: y = gcd(a, N) x = a -1 mod N i.e., integer 1 ≤ x < N, such that a  x (mod N) = 1 Parameters of interest: 4 ≤ k ≤ 1024

18 Greatest common divisor Greatest common divisor of a and b, denoted by gcd(a, b), is the largest positive integer that divides both a and b. d = gcd (a, b) iff 1) d | a and d | b 2) if c | a and c | b then c  d

19 gcd (8, 44) = gcd (-15, 65) = gcd (45, 30) = gcd (31, 15) = gcd (121, 169) =

20 Quotient and remainder Given integers a and n, n>0  ! q, r  Z such that a = q  n + r and 0  r < n q – quotient r – remainder (of a divided by n) q = a n = a div n r = a - q  n = a – a n  n = = a mod n

21 Euclid’s Algorithm for computing gcd(a,b) i -2 0 1 … t-1 t r i r -2 = max(a, b) r -1 = min(a, b) r 0 r 1 … r t-1 = gcd(a, b) r t =0 q i q -1 q 0 q 1 … q t-1 q i = r i-1 riri r i+1 = r i-1 - q i  r i r i+1 = r i-1 mod r i

22 Euclid’s Algorithm Example: gcd(36, 126) i -2 0 1 r i r -2 = max(a, b) =126 r -1 = min(a, b) =36 r 0 = 18 = gcd(36, 126) r 1 = 0 q i q -1 = 3 q 0 = 2 q 1 q i = r i-1 riri r i+1 = r i-1 - q i  r i r i+1 = r i-1 mod r i

23 Multiplicative inverse modulo n The multiplicative inverse of a modulo n is an integer [!!!] x such that a  x  1 (mod n) The multiplicative inverse of a modulo n is denoted by a -1 mod n (in some books a or a * ). According to this notation: a  a -1  1 (mod n)

24 Extended Euclid’s Algorithm (1) i -2 0 1 … t-1 t r i r -2 = n r -1 = a r 0 r 1 … r t-1 r t =0 x i x -2 =0 x -1 =1 x 0 x 1 … x t-1 x t q i q -1 =  n/a  q 0 q 1 … q t-1 q i = r i-1 riri r i+1 = r i-1 - q i  r i x i+1 = x i-1 - q i  x i y i+1 = y i-1 - q i  y i y i y -2 =1 y -1 =0 y 0 y 1 … y t-1 y t r i = x i  a + y i  n r t-1 = x t-1  a + y t-1  n

25 Extended Euclid’s Algorithm (2) r t-1 = x t-1  a + y t-1  n r t-1 = x t-1  a + y t-1  n  x t-1  a (mod n) If r t-1 = gcd (a, n) = 1 then x t-1  a  1 (mod n) and as a result x t-1 = a -1 mod n

26 Extended Euclid’s Algorithm for computing z = a -1 mod n i -2 0 1 … t-1 t r i r -2 = n r -1 = a r 0 r 1 … r t-1 = 1 r t =0 x i x -2 =0 x -1 =1 x 0 x 1 … x t-1 = a -1 mod n x t =  n q i q -1 =  n/a  q 0 q 1 … q t-1 q i = r i-1 riri r i+1 = r i-1 - q i  r i x i+1 = x i-1 - q i  x i If r t-1  1 the inverse does not exist Note:

27 Extended Euclid’s Algorithm Example z = 20 -1 mod 117 i -2 0 1 2 3 4 r i r -2 = 117 r -1 = 20 r 0 = 17 r 1 = 3 r 2 = 2 r 3 = 1 r 4 = 0 x i x -2 = 0 x -1 = 1 x 0 =-5 x 1 = 6 x 2 = -35 x 3 = 41 = 20 -1 mod 117 x 4 = -117 q i q -1 = 5 q 0 = 1 q 1 = 5 q 2 = 1 q 3 = 2 q i = r i-1 riri r i+1 = r i-1 - q i  r i x i+1 = x i-1 - q i  x i Check: 20  41 mod 117 = 1

28 Topic 3 RSA Encryption & Decryption with Montgomery Multipliers based on Carry Save Adders

29 RSA as a trap-door one-way function M C = f(M) = M e mod N C M = f -1 (C) = C d mod N PUBLIC KEY PRIVATE KEY N = P  Q P, Q - large prime numbers e  d  1 mod ((P-1)(Q-1))

30 Right-to-left binary exponentiation Left-to-right binary exponentiation Exponentiation: Y = X E mod N E = (e L-1, e L-2, …, e 1, e 0 ) 2 Y = 1; S = X; for i=0 to L-1 { if (e i == 1) Y = Y  S mod N; S = S 2 mod N; } Y = 1; for i=L-1 downto 0 { Y = Y 2 mod N; if (e i == 1) Y = Y  X mod N; }

31 Montgomery Modular Multiplication (1) C = A  B mod M A Integer domain Montgomery domain A’ = A  2 k mod M B B’ = B  2 k mod M C’ = MP(A’, B’, M) = = A’  B’  2 -k mod M = = (A  2 k )  (B  2 k )  2 -k mod M = = A  B  2 k mod M C’ = C  2 k mod M C = A  B A, B, M – k-bit numbers

32 Montgomery Modular Multiplication (2) A’ = MP(A, 2 2k mod M, M) C = MP(C’, 1, M) A A’ C C’

33 Montgomery Modular Multiplication (3) x 2n-1 x0x0... x1x1 x 2n-2 x 2n-3 xnxn... 2k bits X = A’B’ + q0Mq0M x 2n-1... x1x1 x 2n-2 x 2n-3 xnxn... 0 + q 1 Mb x 2n-1... x 2n-2 x 2n-3 00 x2x2... 0 0 0 C’ k bits C’ 2 k = X + zM C’ 2 k  X = A’B’ C’  A’B’ 2 -k




37 Fast modular exponentiation using Chinese Remainder Theorem = MPMP CPCP P dPdP mod = MQMQ CQCQ Q dQdQ C P = C mod P d P = d mod (P-1) C Q = C mod Q d Q = d mod (Q-1) = mod C M d N M = M P ·R Q + M Q ·R P mod N where R P = (P -1 mod Q) ·P = P Q-1 mod N R Q = (Q -1 mod P) ·Q= Q P-1 mod N

38 Time of exponentiation without and with Chinese Remainder Theorem SOFTWARE HARDWARE Without CRT With CRT t EXP (k) = c s  k 3 t EXP-CRT (k)  2  c s  ( ) 3 = t EXP (k) 1 4 Without CRT With CRT t EXP (k) = c h  k 2 t EXP-CRT (k)  c h  ( ) 2 = t EXP (k) 1 4 k 2 k 2

39 Topic 4 RSA Encryption & Decryption with Word-Based Montgomery Multipliers


41 Data dependency graph of a classical architecture by Tenca & Koc

42 Data dependency graph of a new design from GWU & GMU

43 Block diagram of the new architecture

44 Block diagram of the main Processing Element




48 Topic 5 p-1 Method of Factoring

49 p-1 algorithm Inputs : N– number to be factored a– arbitrary integer such that gcd(a, N)=1 B 1 – smoothness bound for Phase1 Outputs: q - factor of N, 1 < q ≤ N or FAIL

50 p-1 algorithm – Phase 1 precomputations postcomputations main computations out of scope for this project

51 p-1 Phase 1 – Numerical example N = 1 740 719 = 1279·1361 a = 2 B 1 = 20 k = 2 4 ·3 2 ·5·7·11·13·17·19 = 232 792 560 q 0 =a k mod N = 2 232 792 560 mod 1 740 719 = 1 003 058 q = gcd (1 003 058  1; 1 740 719) = 1361 Why did the method work? q-1 = 1360 = 2·5·17 | k a k mod q = a (q-1)·m mod q = 1 q | a k -1

52 Design Methodology Options

53 by Mike Babst DSPlogic

54 Methodology 1 RTL VHDL Classical VHDL-based Design Methdology

55 Structure of a Typical Digital System Execution Unit (Datapath) Control Unit (Control) Data Inputs Data Outputs Control Inputs Control Outputs Control Signals

56 Hardware Design with RTL VHDL Pseudocode Execution Unit Control Unit Block diagram Block diagram ASM VHDL code Interface

57 Steps of the Design Process 1.Text description 2.Interface 3.Pseudocode 4.Block diagram of the Execution Unit 5.Interface with the division into Execution Unit and Control Unit 6.ASM chart and/or block diagram of the Control Unit 7.RTL VHDL code 8.Testbench 9.Debugging 10.Synthesis and implementation 11.Experimental testing (not required in this course)

58 Project 2 - Platform & tools Target devices: Xilinx FPGAs Tools: VHDL Simulation: Aldec Active HDL or Xilinx ModelSim VHDL Synthesis: Synplify Pro or Xilinx XST Implementation: Xilinx ISE or Xilinx WebPack All tools available in S&T 2, rooms 203 & 265. Xilinx tools available for free for home use. Aldec Active HDL student edition available for home use.

59 Methodology 2 Graphical Data Flow Language DSPlogic RCToolbox

60 See the presentation by Mike Babst, PhD DSPlogic available through WebCT

61 Project 2 - Platform & tools Target devices: Xilinx FPGAs Tools: Design Entry & Debugging: DSPlogic RC Toolbox MathWorks Simulink MathWorks Matlab Synthesis and Implementation: Xilinx System Generator Xilinx ISE All tools available in S&T 2, room 220.

62 Two hands-on sessions given by Dr. Babst during the first two weeks after the selection of the project

63 Reconfigurable computers supported by DSPlogic toolset Machine Released Cray XD1 from from Cray SGI Altix from SGI 2005

64 Interface  P memory  P memory... PP PP I/O Interface FPGA memory FPGA memory... FPGA... I/O Microprocessor systemReconfigurable system What is a Reconfigurable Computer?

65 Methodology 3 HLL Compilers Celoxica Handel C

66 Design Flow Executable Specification Handel-C Synthesis Place & Route VHDL EDIF

67 Handel-C / ANSI-C Comparisons Preprocessors ie. #define Structures ANSI-C Constructs for, while, if, switch Functions Arrays Pointers Arithmetic operators Bitwise logical operators Logical operators ANSI-C Standard Library Side Effects ie. X = Y++ Recursion Floating Point Handel-C Standard Library Parallelism Arbitrary width variables RAM, ROM SignalsChannels Interfaces Enhanced bit manipulation ANSI-CHANDEL-C

68 Handel-C Language (1) A subset of ANSI-C Sequential software style with a “par” construct to implement parallelism A channel “chan” statement allows for communication and synchronization between parallel branches Level of design abstraction is above RTL but below behavioral

69 Handel-C Language (2) Each assignment and delay statement take one clock cycle Automatic generation of the state machine from an algorithmic description of the circuit in terms of parallel and sequential blocks Automatic scheduling of parallel and sequential blocks, that is the code following a group is scheduled only after that whole group has completed

70 Handel-C Language (3) Automatic generation of clocks, clock enables and resets Combinational logic may be implemented using for example bus, port and signal types It is possible to design at a level where some Handel-C statements look similar to Verilog, but the overal program structure is different

71 Platform & tools – HLL Compilers Target devices: Xilinx FPGAs Tools: Design Entry & Debugging: Celoxica DK4 Design Suite (integrated environment providing Handel C compiler, debugging, simulation, and synthesis to EDIF and VHDL) Synthesis and Implementation: Xilinx ISE All tools available in S&T 2, rooms 203 & 265.

72 VHDL macro declaration in Handel-C ENTITY parmult IS port ( clk: IN std_logic; a: IN std_logic_VECTOR(7 downto 0); b: IN std_logic_VECTOR(7 downto 0); q: OUT std_logic_VECTOR(15 downto 0)); END parmult; interface parmult (unsigned 16 q) parmult_instance (unsigned 1 clk, unsigned 8 a, unsigned 2 b) with {busformat = "B(I)"};

73 unsigned 8 x1, x2; unsigned resultX; interface parmult (unsigned 16 q) parmult_instance1 (unsigned 1 clk = __clock, unsigned 8 a = x1, unsigned 8 b = x2 ) with {busformat = "B(I)"}; VHDL macro instantiation in Handel-C

74 Celoxica RC10 board supporting Handel C libraries used in the GMU ECE 448 FPGA and ASIC Design with VHDL

75 Literature Additional literature with the detailed description of all algorithms available for each project.

76 Project Organization 1-3 person teams allowed 2 person teams preferred by Friday midnight the latest Please submit your - ranking of 4 topics - ranking of 3 design methodologies

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