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Bailey Hurlbert Lake Area Technical Institute.  Consists of 140-character “tweets”  Your username is called a “handle”  A “hashtag” is utilized to.

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Presentation on theme: "Bailey Hurlbert Lake Area Technical Institute.  Consists of 140-character “tweets”  Your username is called a “handle”  A “hashtag” is utilized to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bailey Hurlbert Lake Area Technical Institute

2  Consists of 140-character “tweets”  Your username is called a “handle”  A “hashtag” is utilized to categorize your tweet  Use Twitter to send video, photo and text links  Connect with students, other educators, and industry professionals on one network!

3  A Twitter handle, or username always begins with an “@” sign ◦ @BaileyHurlbert ◦ Use a “@” symbol before someone’s handle to tag them in your tweet.  A Twitter hashtag always begins with a “#” sign ◦ #sdcte2015 ◦ Hashtags can contain letters and numbers, but not spaces or special characters.

4 Create a hashtag for your classroom! Consider a hashtag that is always used for classroom tweets, i.e. #MrsCAgLATI or #AgBHSSD Then, add a hashtag unique to the lesson, i.e. #beefrepro or #forages Instantly deliver classroom announcements. Quiz date changes, posted grades, etc Have students summarize an article or case study using a tweet.

5 Post an extra credit question for students to respond to. Use tweets as an exit ticket. Facilitate a Q&A session using tweets. Share videos, links, photos and articles with students.

6  Create your own “PLN” – or personal learning network!  Connect with educators creating the latest classroom technologies. ◦ Use the #EdTech hashtag  Join “chatrooms” on Twitter to discuss current issues in education with teachers around the world! ◦ #EdChat – Tuesdays @ noon and 7 PM EST ◦ Use the #EdChat hashtag

7  @SD_CTE  @JimKayl  @USEdGov  Almost all CTSO’s have a Twitter account, too!

8  #HigherEd (post secondary education)  #PTChat (parent teacher chat)  #NTChat (new teacher chat)  #ArtsEd  #GTChat (gifted-talented chat)  #CPChat (connected principals chat)  ….and that’s just to name a few of the thousands!

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