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Mon emploi du temps Au lycée Millbrook. You are going to create your own Emploi du Temps, like Stephanie’s on page 56  Use the back of your French paper.

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Presentation on theme: "Mon emploi du temps Au lycée Millbrook. You are going to create your own Emploi du Temps, like Stephanie’s on page 56  Use the back of your French paper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mon emploi du temps Au lycée Millbrook

2 You are going to create your own Emploi du Temps, like Stephanie’s on page 56  Use the back of your French paper  Title: Mon Emploi du Temps au lycee Millbrook  Write your name and grade level IN FRENCH on the right (troisieme, seconde, premiere, terminale)  Write the days of the week and label JOUR A, or JOUR B. Start with LUNDI (jour A) and finish on Dimanche.  Write LIBRE for samedi and dimanche  Write ETUDE for FLEX  Write Matin and Apres- midi on the left  Write the Hours the way they are on Stephanie’s schedule. Use H for heure instead of :  Write your lunch time (dejeuner), Write “sortie” after the last class.

3 In addition,  For each class: write the name of your teacher for that class: Mon prof s’appelle….  Write the room number for each class : SALLE…  Write an opinion for each class: C’est barbant, c’est interessant, c’est facile… etc…  We have not studies ALL the WORDS for each elective that you take, so use the approximate category : example: statistics would be math Business: economie Etc… You may also search the name of your class on google translate

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