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New approach in biomass production with a progressive climate mitigation concept for a sustainable World Author: Dr József Steier - P resident of BKIK.

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Presentation on theme: "New approach in biomass production with a progressive climate mitigation concept for a sustainable World Author: Dr József Steier - P resident of BKIK."— Presentation transcript:

1 New approach in biomass production with a progressive climate mitigation concept for a sustainable World Author: Dr József Steier - P resident of BKIK – EPS. and M anaging director of SUNWO Plc. 3 rd European Energy Conference – Budapest, October 27 th -30 th, 2013

2 Most serious global issues of the XXI. century Climate change mitigation Renewable energy utilisation Nutrition & water management Unemployment decrease

3 Global warming manifestation: Ecological disasters: the Caspian Sea, the Aral Sea as well as the Lake Chad is to disappear

4 Hungary the same year had a draught and flood in 2013! In the heart of Europe the picture is more contradictional

5 Global economic growth enhances climate change dangers Poverty Nutrition Industrialisation Sustainable world Charcoal utilisation Deforestation Energy demands Significant green energy utilisation

6 Does a conservative solution efficient enough in targeting EU directives? Decrease of CO2 emission by 2020 Carbon quota limitations and pricing Carbon capture and storage Versus European competitiveness!

7 A progressive solution can be driven by a particular „bio-engine” Scientifically developped plant Improved vital capacity Would compile with EU directives Its multipurpose character helps to target different issues

8 „Smaragd tree” a Paulownia-hybrid is the bio-engine of XXI th century? Originated from China Crossbreeding resulted in astonishing capacities With intercropping refers to the most pressing humanitarian demands

9 Minimal conditions of Smaragd tree plantation ParametersLimits 1.pH value of soil5,00 – 8,50 2.Salt content of soilBelow 1 % 3.Water level below surface-2 m 4.ElevationMax 600 m 5.Average mid-temperature13 – 25 C ° 6.Maximum tempterature+ 40 C ° (+60 C ° ) 7.Minimum temperature- 25 C ° (-31 C ° ) 8.Monthly precipitation50 mm Experimental value on the Great Hungarian Plain

10 Regional references – Szerencs plantation

11 European Green Island – with the utilization of wastelands 4,2 milion hectares reforestation with Smaragd tree could result in 630 million tons of CO2 quota, equivalent of about 4 billion USD 2,0 million hectares military playground 1,2 million hectares Great Plain 0,5 million hectares roadside 0,5 million hectares protective line 4,2 million hectares wasteland

12 Intercropping with lucerne, soy, beans, grains

13 Lets look at the World Playground (as unique chance of humanity?) The SAHARA 9 400 000 km2 and 2 000 000 population Inexhaustable renewable energy source and future pioneer work for potentionally 350 million people Is it perhaps a solution for jobeless, too?

14 Integration of Smaragd tree with Sahara programs Green Wall Project initated by former Nigerian president Obasanjo can be extended with Smaragd tree quadrats using its itnercropping capabilites Thus 1/3 of Sahara can produce biomass, food and absorb huge quantity of CO2

15 Lets promote the progressive climate mitigation concept and make the Sahara green again!

16 Thank you for your attention! +36209/333505 MTA, Budapest – 2013. február 14.

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