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Top Ten Rules for the Lab 2 Rule Number 10 All work is completed in the classroom.

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2 Top Ten Rules for the Lab

3 2 Rule Number 10 All work is completed in the classroom.

4 3 Rule Number 9 Obscene, abusive, disrespectful language: written, typed or spoken will not be tolerated.

5 4 Rule Number 8 Students are responsible for all material assigned to them. a. Computers, mouse, keyboard, etc. b. Damage to this equipment can result in the student having to pay to replace it.

6 5 Rule Number 7 Students will raise their hand before answering a question or when assistance is needed.

7 6 Rule Number 6 Students may only use the Internet with teacher permission. Educational websites only.

8 7 Rule Number 5 Computers are assigned.

9 8 Rule Number 4 Each student will have a password/id login. Do not share this password. It is your online identity.

10 9 Rule Number 3 Copying/cheating will result in a zero for all students involved.

11 10 Rule Number 2 All students must be in their seat and ready to work when the tardy bell rings.

12 11 Rule Number 1 Absolutely no food, gum or drinks are allowed in the lab.

13 12 Golden Rules for the Classroom 1.Always follow teacher directions. 2.Show respect and courtesy to your fellow students and to the teacher. 3.During instruction it is expected that you will pay attention, listen and learn.

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