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What’s New in Visual Studio 2005. .NET Framework 2.0 Themes Windows Forms 2.0 ASP.NET 2.0.NET Compact Framework 2.0 Set the bar in developer productivity.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s New in Visual Studio 2005. .NET Framework 2.0 Themes Windows Forms 2.0 ASP.NET 2.0.NET Compact Framework 2.0 Set the bar in developer productivity."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s New in Visual Studio 2005

2 .NET Framework 2.0 Themes Windows Forms 2.0 ASP.NET 2.0.NET Compact Framework 2.0 Set the bar in developer productivity Focus on operational excellence Enable new opportunities Provide a path to the future Common Language Runtime 2.0

3 Developer Productivity  Generics  Edit and Continue Performance  64-bit  Load Time  Memory Footprint CLR 2.0

4 ASP.NET 2.0 Developer Productivity  Dramatically reduce concepts, lines of code required  Deliver an awesome Visual Studio web tool experience  Enable rich web scenarios not possible today Totally Extensible Platform  Replace/extend all built-in features + services  Customize for any enterprise environment Administration and Management  Easiest platform to manage and administer Performance and Scalability  The world’s fastest web application server

5 Radically Improve Application Deployment  ClickOnce deployment, update, rollback  Foundation for Longhorn deployment Visually Stunning Look and Feel  Toolstrips, transparency  Windows XP Themes Cut the Code: Productivity  Smart Tags  Document Outline view  SnapLines Windows Forms 2.0

6 Productivity  Integrated native and managed development environment  Increased developer productivity and code portability  Enhanced language support Performance  Code path tuning  Execution engine tuning Extensibility  COM interop  Enhanced marshalling The PocketPC Notification Balloon Mobility and NET Compact Framework

7 Expanding Visual Studio Increased Reliability Quality Early & Often Predictability & Visibility Design for Operations Project Manager Solution Architect Developer Tester Infrastructure Architect

8 Dynamic Systems Initiative Integrated Suite of Tools by Microsoft & Partners  Highly Extensible Drag & Drop Design Surfaces  Design Service-Oriented Architectures  Design Operations Infrastructure  Design Classes  Synchronize with Source Code Validate / Test / Load-Test Applications Document Project Status through WSS

9 DSI: Development Cycle Distributed Application Designer Logical Infrastructure Designer Class Designer Infrastructure Manager Architect Developer Test Tools Tester Source Code Control Work Item Tracking Build Automation Project Site Reporting

10 Visual Studio Team System Change ManagementWork Item TrackingReportingProject Site Visual Studio Team Foundation Integration ServicesProject Management Process and Architecture Guidance Dynamic Code Analyzer Visual Studio Team Architect Static Code AnalyzerCode ProfilerUnit TestingCode CoverageVisio and UML ModelingTeam Foundation ClientVS ProClass ModelingLoad TestingManual TestingTest Case ManagementApplication ModelingLogical Infra. ModelingDeployment Modeling Visual Studio Team Developer Visual Studio Team Test Visual Studio Industry Partners

11 What’s New in System.Data: DataSet Enhancements

12 DataSet Enhancements Performance and scalability improvements Loading a DataSet, and the new LoadOption enumeration Stand-alone DataTable instances Batched updates XML data type - usability and fidelity User-defined Types in a DataSet

13 Performance Improvements Internal Indexing of Rows  Inserts and deletes are log-n  Updates almost constant Binary Serialization of Contents  V 1.x DataSet always serialized to XML  good for data interchange, bad for performance  Binary serialization an option in V 2.0  fast and compact, especially as row counts increase  just set: DataSet.RemotingFormat = SerializationFormat.Binary

14 Binary v XML Serialization Up to 80 x faster for large DataSets!

15 Loading a DataSet DataAdapter.Fill(DataSet,"table-name")  NEW: DataAdapter.FillLoadOption and AcceptChangesDuringUpdate properties NEW: DataSet.Load method  Load(DataReader [, load-option] [, tables-array])  optionally can use FillErrorEventHandler to trap errors NEW: LoadOption enumeration  PreserveCurrentValues | UpdateCurrentValues | OverwriteRow

16 More New Features RowState values are now updateable  New methods: DataRow.SetAdded and DataRow.SetModified DataSet.GetDataReader method  returns a DataTableReader  you can specify which tables to include

17 Loading a DataSet with a DataReader, Binary Serialization, and using a DataTableReader.

18 Stand-alone DataTable Instances Common DataSet operations now also available on DataTable:  ReadXml, ReadXmlSchema, WriteXml, WriteXmlSchema, Clear, Clone, Copy, Merge, GetChanges DataTable is now auto-serializable:  return a DataTable instance from a Web Service or via Remoting

19 DataAdapter.Fill(DataTable) DataAdapter.Fill(DataTable[ ])  and more, including subsets of rows DataAdapter.Update(DataTable) DataTable.Load(DataReader [, load-option] [, FillErrorEventHandler])  new methods: BeginLoadData, Load, EndLoadData DataTable.GetDataReader method  stream data from a DataTable Loading and Using a DataTable

20 DataSet Load Performance 3 times as fast for 100,000 rows - and even better with more! Using LoadDataRow API

21 Batched Updates DataSet updates are normally processed one by one Batching reduces network round-trips DataAdapter.UpdateBatchSize = batch_size Works inside transactions Works with SQL Server 7.0, 2000, 2005 Also available for OracleClient classes

22 The stand-alone DataTable and the new Batched Updates feature

23 New Features in System.Xml 2.0 and SQLXML 4.0 for SQL Server 2005

24 Agenda Design Goals for System.Xml v2.0 XML in the Middle Tier Reading, Writing and Validating XML Enhancements to the XPathDocument

25 System.Xml v2.0 Design Goals Improved Performance Enhanced Security Addition of Schema Support and Typing A Range of Usability Enhancements A More Efficient XSLT Processor Changes to the XmlSerialization Classes

26 Improved XML Performance XSLT 400% faster (4x) – generates MSIL codeXSLT 400% faster (4x) – generates MSIL code XmlTextReader 100% faster (2x)XmlTextReader 100% faster (2x) XmlTextWriter 100% faster (2x)XmlTextWriter 100% faster (2x) XML schema validation 20% fasterXML schema validation 20% faster

27 XML in the Middle Tier Increasingly, XML is used in the middle tier of applications  can be easily serialized  works well over all kinds of networks  provides de-coupling between tiers  can be cached in a DataSet or as an XML document  ideal for integration with Web Services  now has full support in SQL Server 2005

28 XML in n-tier Applications Data Tier XML Document XML Document Web Service Web Service Middle Tier DataSet XPathDocument Business Rules Presentation or Delivery Web Service Web Service Client

29 Agenda Design Goals for System.Xml v2.0 XML in the Middle Tier Reading, Writing and Validating XML Enhancements to the XPathDocument

30 Reading, Writing and Validation Topics are:  Static Create Methods  XmlReaderSettings and XmlWriterSettings  Reading and Writing Typed XML  XmlSchemaSet and Schema Inference  Validation with an XmlReader  Resolving Entities

31 Static Create and Settings Why ?  Provides a single location to create XmlReaders and XmlWriters  avoids the proliferation of specifically typed readers/writers  Provides some internal optimizations  Allows pipelining of XmlReader instances

32 Static Create and Settings Create an XmlReader or XmlWriter with predefined settings: XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings(); settings.Schemas.Add("books.xsd"); settings.XsdValidate = true; XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create("books.xml", settings); while(reader.Read()) { }

33 Reading & Writing Typed XML For XmlReader, XmlWriter, XPathNavigator:  new methods that return CLR types, e.g.: Double p = reader.ReadValueAsDouble(); For XmlWriter:  new method that accepts CLR types, e.g.: DateTime date = new DateTime(2004,5,24); writer.WriteStartAttribute("pubdate"); writer.WriteValue(d); writer.WriteEndAttribute();

34 XmlSchemaSet and Inference New XmlSchemaSet class  stores schemas and correctly handles multiple references to inherited schemas  replaces XmlSchemaCollection System.Xml.Schema.Inference class  Can infer schema from an XML document XmlSchemaSet xs = InferSchema(XmlReader[, XmlSchemaSet  InferenceOption enumeration defines how data types and schema occurrences found in the document are interpreted  values are: Relaxed or Restricted

35 Validation with an XmlReader XmlReader can be used for validation  XmlValidatingReader is now obsolete  create XmlReader that validates using static Create technique  specify schema(s) in the XmlReaderSettings: settings.Schemas.Add("books.xsd");  Turn on validation: settings.XsdValidate = true;  Then use the reader

36 Resolving Entities XmlReader created with static Create method can expand entities  set the EntityHandling property:  ExpandCharEntities (the default): expands only character entities  ExpandEntities: expands all entities  for example, A #  ExpandCharEntities gives: A #  ExpandEntities gives: A 123

37 Reading XML with static Create methods, reader settings, validation, schema inference and resolving CLR types

38 Agenda Design Goals for System.Xml v2.0 XML in the Middle Tier Reading, Writing and Validating XML Enhancements to the XPathDocument

39 XML Document Stores New Features of the XPathDocument  support for document editing with an XmlWriter and XPathEditableNavigator  full CLR data type support  new change tracking and edit events  new support for validation  richer support for XSLT  new serialization features Will be in XmlDocument for Beta 2

40 Editing in an XPathDocument Editing contents of an XPathDocument:  CreateWriter( )  XmlWriter  CreateEditor( )  XPathEditableNavigator New CLR Type Support  properties for the navigator classes: ValueAsDouble ValueAsDateTime ValueAsList etc.  methods for writer and editable navigator: WriteValue(typedValue), SetValue(typedValue) New Select methods for XPathNavigator  SelectSingleNode( "XPath" [, nsResolver ])  Select( "XPath", nsResolver )  Evaluate( "XPath", nsResolver )

41 Change Tracking Turn on change tracking:  set EnableChangeTracking = true See if there are any changes:  call the HasChanges( ) method Manage change tracking state:  AcceptChanges( ) and RejectChanges( ) methods React to Change Events:  ItemDeleting, ItemDeleted, ItemUpdating, ItemUpdated, ItemInserting, ItemInserted, ChangeRejected.

42 Validation and XSLT Support Validate XPathDocument with Navigator  Schemas property  XmlSchemaSet  CheckValidity( schema-set, event-handler )  raises validation event for each error found "Validate directly" coming in Beta 2  no need for an XPathNavigator Use XPathNavigator as the source for XSLT transformations  using XsltCommand class

43 Serializing an XPathDocument Load and save XML with an XPathDocument  ReadXml, WriteXml, Save... or through an XPathNavigator or an XPathEditableNavigator  ReadSubtree( ), WriteSubtree(XmlWriter) Specify the Encoding for an XPathDocument or XmlWriterSettings  Encoding property  System.Text.Encoding instance

44 The IXmlSerializable Interface Originally "internal" and designed for use by the ADO.NET DataSet Now available for custom serialization  ReadXml takes an XmlReader  WriteXml takes an XmlWriter  GetSchema is deprecated Allows you to take full control of the wire format and schema of the data

45 Loading an XPathDocument, validating the content, editing the content and saving the result

46 XML in Visual Studio 2005 Great new support for XML in VS 2005  New XML Editor  supports XML 1.0 conformance checking  allows the XML to be validated against a schema as it is being edited  Intellisense and element completion  XSLT debugging  Single-step, run, view input/output  uses the new Inference engine to give more accurate schema representations

47 © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

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