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ATUC meeting Director’s Report Lewis Ball October 2008 Gomez et al P616 H 2 O maser AGB star.

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1 ATUC meeting Director’s Report Lewis Ball October 2008 Gomez et al P616 H 2 O maser AGB star

2 Welcome Elaine Sadler (Chair) Sarah Maddison (Chair elect) Andrew Walsh George Hobbs Stuart Ryder (second term) Tara Murphy Hayley Bignall James Urquhart Indra Bains (from next meeting) Daniel Yardley – student Clancy James – student Stacy Mader - Secretary

3 Successes and Issues CABB progress but timeline still a challenge First science from Parkes 13mm receiver ASKAP: PAF first light and first interferometry Draft User Policy PWC hearing Ops restructured to Eng. & Science Pulsar DFBs to Germany, China, UK, Italy Astronomy highlights 2ms psr in eccentric orbit “Like a fork piercing a fried egg…” Difficulty resourcing LSCX upgrade

4 CABB Compact Array Broadband Backend Production of hardware & firmware continues Three antenna correlation achieved On track for major install in Mar-Apr 2009 Current cost ~twice initial estimates ($12M) Good progress though lots of work still to do and significant remaining challenges

5 LSCX Upgrade Strong link to CABB Project replanned Resource requirements significantly higher than initial estimates Strong competition for resources between CABB, LSCX and ASKAP Scientific priorities reassessed Current aims (following ATSC input) upgrade L&S band front ends, simultaneous 2GHz L&S bands into CABB existing front end C&X bands simultaneously into CABB ATUC input welcomed

6 Parkes 13mm receiver Installed Sep 08 (earlier than anticipated at May ATUC) Science underway Innovative mediation of spectral baseline ripple

7 Parkes 13mm receiver

8 Science & Operations planning Extensive engagement with user community Operations plan User feedback summary on v1 ATNF response v2 to be released soon Science Priorities drafted – extensive user input ASKAP configuration – informed by Science Priorities Draft ASKAP User Policy – from Taskforce recommendations ATNF Operations Plan v3 in Q1 2009

9 Operations implementation Change from Observatory structure to functional structure effected in July ATNF perspective – benefits already as knowledge and resources are shared across facilities Continued effective delivery of facilities to users warrants congratulations to operations staff Specific feedback from ATUC on any issues arising would be welcomed

10 ATSC status Creation of Astronomy Australia Limited (AAL) Desire for single entity to provide strategic advice on radio astronomy to both CSIRO and AAL Proposal to expand, clarify and update the brief of the Australia Telescope Steering Committee (ATSC) (ANRAC) Brief to Commonwealth Minister for Science ATSC  ANRAC Australian National Radio Astronomy Committee Still awaiting Minister’s decision

11 Advisory group meeting Ad hoc meeting of 2007 ATSC members on 16 & 17 Oct Issues discussed: LSCX upgrade Operations planning incl. science priorities Effectiveness of international engagement incl. ASKAP & SKA ASKAP progress, planning, draft User Policy

12 Environmental assessment Effective engagement with user community on a range of fronts Substantial progress on technical projects including CABB & ASKAP Good progress on key external milestones such as PWC Tremendous support for strategic direction of radio astronomy in CSIRO and government Strongly constrained CSIRO financial environment for ongoing activities

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