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International Resource Delivery - OCLC & OCLC PICA Janifer Gatenby, OCLC PICA Contactdag 5th October 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "International Resource Delivery - OCLC & OCLC PICA Janifer Gatenby, OCLC PICA Contactdag 5th October 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Resource Delivery - OCLC & OCLC PICA Janifer Gatenby, OCLC PICA Contactdag 5th October 2006

2 2 Changing environment International Discovery to Delivery Standards and interoperability OCLC PICA Systems and Services Trends

3 3 Modern users Use Google, Yahoo, MSN ++ Amazon, eBay, Netflix Search & find themselves Register & order –Internationally –Request home delivery Changing environment

4 4 Access and negotiate delivery of resources from libraries and related institutions such as archives Access to physical & digital resources. Hybrid collections will persist for at least 10 years (Dempsey, British Library) Follow existing easy to use internet delivery models –Amazon, eBay, Netflix User Needs Changing environment Challenge is to make library order and delivery on an International Scale as smooth as from Amazon etc.

5 5 Comprehensiveness No retail space restrictions Recommendations, e.g. Amazon “people also bought” Can economically offer huge stock Lot of demand for the obscure

6 6 Re-thinkers Policy Framework Whom We Serve What We Deliver / Offer How We Offer / Deliver Our Vision Best Practices, Policies, Manifesto Business Model User Needs Interop Group Changing environment Meeting 1 Chicago November 2005 Meeting 2 Denver February / March 2006 Meeting 3 San Antonio April 2006 ELAG WG 25-27 April 2006 Bucharest, Romania

7 7 Get it !! Changing environment Web browser plug in

8 8 LibraryWeb page OPAC Referral openURL Locations SRU Alternatives xISBN Register Get it!!  Availability & user information SRU NCIP Union cat Policies SRU / LDAP Resource delivery Changing environment Get it!! LibraryUnion cat Web UIOPAC Web UI

9 9 – in progress Get it!! International Discovery to Delivery

10 10 Statistics September 2006 33.2% increase in 1 month 32.1% increase in 1 month International Discovery to Delivery

11 11 Online registration –introduction to library –more expensive - anonymous service From wanted item to library service system not to owning library International library registry (directory) International facilitated inter-library payment (IFM = clearing house) Investigating: Rarity and copyright request context in International Discovery to Delivery Get it!!

12 12 What it means to NCC / VOB Increase in registrations Increase in requests by Dutch users for material held overseas Increase in requests for Dutch materials from overseas –Mostly book requests Are there system & policy changes to be made? International Discovery to Delivery

13 13 Sweden 1999 – 2005: loans  7%, copies  73% Loans Copies Transport –Cost and time Security –Argues for mediated delivery –RLG & BL – stats – safer internationally Payment Copyright –May dictate paper –Print & re-scan farce (e- journals) Cost of digitisation –large OP materials Payment International Discovery to Delivery

14 14 Policy changes? - Incoming International Requests –Need to clearly divide collection Relatively unique versus common Knowledge from WorldCat – request context OK to refuse international service for common –Loan alternatives lookup, TOC & index copy, DOD –Delivery to library (mediated) –Charge at cost + instead of saying NO –Charging method International Discovery to Delivery

15 15 Policy Changes? - Outgoing International Requests –Mediated request or background mediation? Available locally? In print? Rare? –Consider purchase option –Set prices to end user –Delivered to library (mediation) International Discovery to Delivery

16 16 Resolution and Delivery Wanted Item Digital FreeLicensed Physical In Print Out of Print In Copyright Out of Copyright RareCommon Access Restricted Link, Resolve, CopyLoan, Digitize, Index, Authenticate / Authorise, Purchase / Pay, Lookup International Discovery to Delivery

17 17 System changes –CBS & VDX OpenURL into CBS / NCC IBL & into VDX –already exists –Some changes of XML format End user requests for WorldCat data –from PiCarta, WinIBW & Usage of OCLC directory & IFM –CBS & VDX Integration of new delivery options International Discovery to Delivery

18 18 Digitisation on Demand Directory of Digital Masters – gistry/default.htm €€€Portion of EDL (European Digital Library) funding €€€ for DOD (Digitisation on Demand) ???? –eTen DOD (15 countries) International Discovery to Delivery

19 19 Linking Resource Sharing Islands

20 20 Interoperability Standards and Inter-operability RDS Scanning system RDS ILS Get it!! ILS ID Mgt Email, proprietary Screen scrape, proprietary Proprietary Rights Mgt ISO ILL, Artel + OpenURL RSM SIP2, NCIP, SRU + holdings schema Z39.50, SRULDAP, Shibboleth, Athens, A Select + GEDI XACML

21 21 Standards Needed Request Submission Message –Focus on request transfer from discovery points –Request transfer rather than synchronisation of systems Holdings Schema – ISO TC46 SC10 Standards and Inter-operability

22 22 Request Submission OpenURL schemas –Requester –Requested item (referent) –System on which request was made (referrer) –Service requested (service type) Loan, copy, lookup etc. Standards and Inter-operability

23 23 Holdings Schema Mixes Static and dynamic information Responds to –holdings availability queries (policy, conditions and physical availability) –Holdings usage queries Standards and Inter-operability

24 24 CBS systems & Union Catalogues VDX Discovery Universe Delivery Universe CISTI Subito BLDSC national / regional services CISTI Doc Del nuc WorldCat RS OPACs Portals +++

25 25 VDX – Centralised architecture One shared transaction store, union catalogue as main source One shared transaction store, multiple targets Examples: –NLNZ –Unity UK VD X End VD X CB S lib OCLC PICA Systems and Services

26 26 VDX - Distributed architecture Multiple transaction stores & multiple targets Examples –Australia, OCLC PICA Systems and Services VD X lib Union cat

27 27 CBS Architecture Central union catalogue Centralised Request mgt Most requests within the system Examples: OCLC PICA Systems and Services

28 28 Interoperation with OCLC Requests – 2 way International Library directory IFM – International Fee Mgt Integration with Combining 2 expert teams VDX strengths –Multiple architectures –External interoperability –Multiple work flows CBS strengths –Multi-lingual –End user access models –Statistics & financial management OCLC PICA Systems and Services

29 29 Trends we’re following Request brokering –Resolving international request and delivery –Too hard basket service Integrated delivery options in UI –Purchase, copy, resolution, lookup Integrated user request view –Purchase requests –Reservations –Delivery requests –Reference queries Data mining and collection knowledge –Rarity, Copyright estimate, Weeding, Central storage, Recommendations Trends

30 30 Liaison with archives –Collections overlap… therefore –Overlap reference, supply (and payments) services –Avoid referral, re- authentication etc., Do instead Challenge: Trends

31 31

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