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 Tim : Project Manager  Rhifa: Risk Manager  Tak: Quality Manager  Titto: Finance Manager.

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Presentation on theme: " Tim : Project Manager  Rhifa: Risk Manager  Tak: Quality Manager  Titto: Finance Manager."— Presentation transcript:


2  Tim : Project Manager  Rhifa: Risk Manager  Tak: Quality Manager  Titto: Finance Manager

3 TimRhifaTittoTak Primary Role Project Manager Risk Manager Finance Manager Quality Manager Secondary Role Finance Manager Project Manager Quality Manager Risk Manager Tertiary RoleProduct Manager

4  file:///G:/UC/Microsoft%20Office%20Project %20-%20SPQM%20Project%20Schedule.pdf file:///G:/UC/Microsoft%20Office%20Project %20-%20SPQM%20Project%20Schedule.pdf


6  Objective: To improve the hospital system, by making data transfer faster to medical staff.  Timing is essential  the PUBLIC health system can be better.  Manual transfers by runners, medical staff.

7  Within 14 weeks, build a Hospital Patient Record System (HPRS) for public hospital all over Australia.  Doctors & medical staff can access it through their desktop.  Stored in a large database


9  Have an adequate technology  The staffs have a basic skill for a desktop computer use  Private hospital is not included

10  Security  Hacks Government  System failure/down  Loss of data Regular back ups Backup systems  Legislation  State integration Mediation  User ability  Training


12  Database  data warehouse capability  Testing and Training for user ability  Satisfaction survey  System testing  Waiting time /loading time  Control quality plan

13  Less waiting time for patients  More patients can be attended to  Saves more lives


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