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Kyoto Protocol. What is Kyoto protocol?  UN held a conference on environment (known as Earth Summit) in Brazil in ’92.  A treaty called United Nations.

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Presentation on theme: "Kyoto Protocol. What is Kyoto protocol?  UN held a conference on environment (known as Earth Summit) in Brazil in ’92.  A treaty called United Nations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kyoto Protocol

2 What is Kyoto protocol?  UN held a conference on environment (known as Earth Summit) in Brazil in ’92.  A treaty called United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC or FCCC) was introduced.  The Kyoto protocol (or rule) is a part of this treaty

3 Definition  Kyoto Protocol is a legally binding agreement under which 37 industrialized countries will reduce their greenhouse gases emissions by 5.2% compared to 1990 levels.  The goal is to lower overall emissions from six greenhouse gases calculated as an average over the five-year period of 2008- 12

4  These gases are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, sulfur hexafluoride, HFCs, and PFCs.  The Kyoto Protocol treaty was negotiated in December 1997 at the city of Kyoto, Japan and came into force February 16th, 2005.

5 Reduction targets  Some European Union countries 8%  US 7% (not binding, not signed the agreement)  Japan 6%  Russia 0%  Australia was permitted increase of 8% and 10% for Iceland

6 India and China  Have ratified the Kyoto protocol  Are not obligated to reduce greenhouse gas production at the moment as they are developing countries.  They weren't seen as the main culprits for emissions during the period of industrialization thought to be the cause for the global warming of today

7 US’ refusal to sign the treaty  China is about to overtake the USA in emissions  But take into account the major differences in population and high requirement of production because of demand from the West, China was not obligated to reduce its emissions. This was seen as unjust by the USA

8 Kyoto protocol a failure?  USA: Largest emitter of carbon dioxide not signed the treaty  It is responsible for about a quarter of the emissions that have been blamed for global warming.  China, India: largest countries not obligated to reduce emissions till 2012

9  The was base year was 1990 and the commitment period was 2008-2012  New sources of emissions have come up but the protocol still puts a limitations on the emission sources of 1990  Global warming is rapidly growing but measures to control it are slow.

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