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Status of KEK 150MeV FFAG M. Aiba (KEK) For KEK FFAG Gr. FFAG’05, 5 to 9 Dec., KURRI.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of KEK 150MeV FFAG M. Aiba (KEK) For KEK FFAG Gr. FFAG’05, 5 to 9 Dec., KURRI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of KEK 150MeV FFAG M. Aiba (KEK) For KEK FFAG Gr. FFAG’05, 5 to 9 Dec., KURRI

2 Contents Purpose of KEK 150MeV FFAG Machine Parameters Hardware improvements Beam extraction and 100Hz operation Status of accelerator performance Summary

3 Purpose of150MeV FFAG To be a prototype FFAG for various applications Beam extraction from FFAG for the first time Rapid cycling Test experiments for applications using extracted beam

4 Machine parameters

5 Ion source of injector cyclotron Hardware improvement (1) Ion source: DC operation Pulsed operation Cyclotron RF Ion source DC operation Pulsed operation Cyclotron RF Ion source Beam from cyclotron ~200  sec ~10  sec Reduce unavailable beam (injection period of FFAG is few  sec) Increase peak current 3~4times Beam from cyclotron

6 RF system Hardware improvement (2) Enhancement of RF system: RF voltage: ~5kVpp ~12kVpp

7 Drive mechanism for insertions Hardware improvement (3) Attach drive mechanism to injection septum injection bumps extraction kicker extraction septum Extraction Septum Position and angle can be changed while keeping vacuum.

8 Beam extraction Fast extraction with kicker and septum Realize 100% extraction efficiency Top and side drawings of the septum magnet

9 Beam extraction experiment(1) Beam separation with kicker Circulating beam Separated beam with kicker Displacement of beam orbit by kicker (calculation) K icker S eptum O bservation 5mm * Septum field is not included in this calculation.

10 Beam extraction experiment(2) Experiment set up

11 Status of accelerator performance First goal of accelerator development Beam energy: 100MeV Rapid cycling: 100Hz Beam current: 1nA Status, Dec. 2005 Beam energy of100MeV has been achieved. 100Hz operation was successful. Beam current is more than 0.2nA@20Hz operation. Basic accelerator R&D studies (design, construction, beam injection, acceleration and extraction) has been completed.

12 Summary Many improvements since FFAG’04, KEK Basic accelerator R&D studies has been completed. First goal will be achieved soon. Near future plan Test experiments using the extracted beam For medical application, For ADS.

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