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MANAGING A DIVERSE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION EUPAN DG Meeting Luxembourg December 04, 2015 Daniel Gerson Project Manager – Public Employment and Management.

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Presentation on theme: "MANAGING A DIVERSE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION EUPAN DG Meeting Luxembourg December 04, 2015 Daniel Gerson Project Manager – Public Employment and Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 MANAGING A DIVERSE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION EUPAN DG Meeting Luxembourg December 04, 2015 Daniel Gerson Project Manager – Public Employment and Management OECD-Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate

2 Outline of Presentation Context and Background why a focus on diversity management? The EUPAN survey Methodology and approach Results Final considerations

3 An increasingly diverse Europe? 2008: 12.7 % of the EU residents aged 15-74 were foreign-born or had at least one foreign-born parent. 2060: this group may more than double and exceed 25 % of the population across all ages. The proportion of people of foreign background may vary substantially across Member States. In addition, among young adults the proportion of first and second generation immigrants is projected be far greater than today. European Commission 2010: R2)_EN.doc

4 An Evolving View of Employment in Central Public Administrations Traditional Public Employment A New Normal? Big public administrationLeanerReduction of public employment Exercise of public powers by nationals More Diverse Towards more diversity, exercise of public powers also by migrants Young workforceAgeing/multi-gen workforce (older) Men in top-position Increase of women in top-functions, also young leads old Recruitment at entry level, focus on qualification, seniority Higher Qualified Flexible recruitment, LLL, Competency Management, Skill focus Central workforce planning More Agile Sectoral variation (education, security, research, IT) Dominance public law statusMore flexible legal status Low internal mobility All sorts of mobility, restructuring, outsourcing, shared services Specific Working conditions for CSAlignment of Working Conditions

5 Share of central government employment filled by women (2010) Source: OECD 2011 Survey on Gender in Public Employment.

6 Workforce over 50 years old

7 Diversity for Public Sector Innovation Diversity can unlock innovation by creating an environment where “outside the box” ideas are heard When at least one member of a team has traits in common with the end user, the entire team better understands that user. But diversity alone will not create these conditions. It needs to be effectively managed for inclusion. Diversity Inclusion Innovation Performance Diversity Management

8 About the Survey 26 Countries responded over the summer of 2015 18 questions exploring a range of diversity related issues including: – Strategy – Data – Leadership – Training and diversity awareness – Recruitment and Selection – Flexible working patterns and arrangements – Career management and competency development – New competencies in a more diverse context Analysis along three main lines: Who? Why? How?

9 Many public administration have a diversity strategy… 1. Does your public administration have a diversity strategy?

10 …most commonly focused on gender and/or people with disabilities… 1a. Which of the following elements/groups are targeted by the diversity strategy?

11 … to ensure equal opportunity and protect against discrimination. 1b. What is the stated intent/purpose of the diversity strategy?

12 Model for an inclusive approach and employer policy in Sweden

13 Lots of strategy, but how much action?

14 Most countries collect some diversity- related data… 3. What diversity-related data are collected?

15 …to monitor diversity balance 3a. What are these data used for?

16 Employee surveys are under-used to measure and compare inclusion. 4. Are employee survey conducted?

17 Most countries produce annual reports 5. How are diversity policies assessed?

18 Few countries provide mandatory diversity training

19 Some countries use specific leadership programmes for diversity groups 9. Are there targeted programmes to enhance competencies for specific groups?

20 Austria’s cross-mentoring program The mentors pass on their experience and know- how, give advice on career planning and facilitate access to professional networks. Agree upon goals to be attained during their mentoring relationship. After setting up their goal(s) mentor and mentee have to meet at least four times. Workshops, networking meetings and peer groups complement the programme. Since 2005 about 800 mentors and mentees have taken part in the programme.

21 Diversity issues impact recruitment in a variety of ways 14. Are diversity issues considered in recruitment procedures in the following ways?

22 Policies to respond to the needs of a more diverse workforce 15. Are the following policies in place to respond to the needs of a more diverse workforce?

23 Policies to respond to the needs of a more diverse workforce 15. Are the following policies in place to respond to the needs of a more diverse workforce?

24 Belgium’s New Ways of Working initiative Culture shift and result orientation Dynamic office created modular working and living areas Digitalising and e-working Client orientation Communication and change management

25 Career Management And Competency Development policies 16. Are the following policies in place to respond to the needs of a more diverse workforce?

26 Career Management And Competency Development policies

27 Policies & arrangements for diverse workforce (by countries) Many policies, decentralised Many policies, centralised Few policies, decentralised

28 Key messages from the workshops: On Diversity Strategy, Policy and Management: Good managers who manage different people are more important than policies for inclusion. Getting the best from diversity means giving space to different perspectives and being curious about how others think. A focus on competencies can enable better diversity management, instead of a focus on identity groups. HR policies need to treat everybody as individuals and reflect different lifestyles. On Implementation: Diversity strategies and policies are good but need careful implementation & monitoring. A structured approach to programming can help, with supported programs, targets & monitoring. On Knowledge Transfer: Knowledge transfer from old to young is important and a big risk in the context of hiring freezes. Building diverse (age, gender, etc.) teams is best for knowledge transfer.

29 Summary of findings Most EU countries can be characterised by: Diversity strategies focused on Gender and Disability, in order to ensure equal opportunity and protect against discrimination, Access to a range of flexible working conditions (part-time work, sabbatical leave, flexible working hours and telework) A number of EU countries appear to go further: Diversity focus on broader groups, and the inclusion of individuals with a focus on skills and competencies. With a strategic focus on building inclusion, accessing a broader labour market, and driving innovation and performance. Active approach to diversity and inclusion programming, including: Training for leaders and all people managers Measurement with statistics and employee surveys Active programmes to promote flexible working and career paths Active measures to encourage knowledge transfer across generations A fundamental focus on competencies

30 Thank you for your attention

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