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CRCT R EVIEW 6 th grade ELA-Literary Terms. L ITERARY T ERMS Genre: a genre is a type of literature or writing. (we also talk about music and movie genres)

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Presentation on theme: "CRCT R EVIEW 6 th grade ELA-Literary Terms. L ITERARY T ERMS Genre: a genre is a type of literature or writing. (we also talk about music and movie genres)"— Presentation transcript:

1 CRCT R EVIEW 6 th grade ELA-Literary Terms

2 L ITERARY T ERMS Genre: a genre is a type of literature or writing. (we also talk about music and movie genres) A genre is a category. Narrative: a narrative is a type of literature or writing that tells a story. Fictional narratives are MADE UP stories. NonFictional narratives are TRUE stories.

3 G ENRE /F ICTION /N ONFICTION A CTIVITY List at least twenty genres of movies OR music List at least ten fictional narratives you have read (or watched- movies) List at least ten nonfiction narratives you have read (or watched- movies)

4 L ITERARY T ERMS A narrative MUST HAVE a plot. The plot of a story is the events that happen in the story. If there is not a plot, then it is not a story.

5 P LOT A plot has 5 parts: 1. Exposition- this is the beginning where we learn about the setting and the characters 2. Rising Action- this is when the reader starts to notice things happening 3. Climax- this is the main event of the story. 4. Falling action- this is when the main event of the story ends 5. Resolution- this is when all the problems are fixed and the story ends

6 P LOT A CTIVITY Label the five parts of plot.

7 L ITERARY T ERMS Setting is the time and place where a story happens. Place could mean nation, state, town, place in town, room in a house. Time can mean year, month, season, day of the week, time of day. Context is the situation where a story takes place. The context can affect how characters act AND how the reader feels. If a story takes place during the Holocaust, that is part of the context. Characters might act differently because of the situation than we would.

8 S ETTING /C ONTEXT A CTIVITY Choose one: Finding Nemo, The Lion King, Shrek Write a paragraph describing the setting- time and place- where the story happened. Tell how you know. Write a paragraph describing the context of the story. What’s the situation?

9 L ITERARY T ERMS A narrator is a person who tells the story. Point of view is who tells the story. First person point of view: when a character in the story tells the story and says “I” Third person point of view: when no character in the story tells the story. The narrator will say “He,””She,””It,” or “They.” Dialogue is when a story uses quotation marks to show quotes from characters.

10 P OINT OF V IEW A CTIVITY Using a literature book, find 3 examples of first person stories. Write down the title, author, and page numbers. Using a literature book, find 3 examples of third person stories. Write down the title, author, and page numbers. Using a literature book, find 3 examples of dialogue. Write down the title, author, and page numbers.

11 L ITERARY T ERMS A dynamic character changes in the story because they learn something about life. They are main characters. A static character does not change. They are minor characters. The protagonist of a story is the character that we want to win. The good guy. The antagonist of a story tries to stop the protagonist. The bad guy.

12 C HARACTERS A CTIVITY Choose one: Finding Nemo, The Lion King, Shrek Who are the dynamic characters? How do you know? Who are the static characters? How do you know? Who is the protagonist? How do you know? Who is the antagonist? How do you know?

13 L ITERARY T ERMS Conflict in a story is the problem that must be solved. It is a major part of the plot and usually is part of the climax of the plot. Internal conflict is when a character has two different feelings at the same time and has to pick what to do. External conflict is when a character has a problem with something separate from himself or herself, like another character, the weather, or an animal.

14 C ONFLICT A CTIVITY Choose one: Finding Nemo, The Lion King, Shrek What internal conflict happens in the story? Which character? How do you know? What external conflict happens in the story? Which characters or objects? How do you know?

15 L ITERARY T ERMS Expository writing is writing that gives information. It is usually nonfiction and can also give instructions. When you write expository writing, you will be writing a five paragraph essay, which has: an introduction paragraph, AT LEAST three body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph.

16 E XPOSITORY W RITING - F IVE PARAGRAPH ESSAY In a five paragraph essay, different information goes in certain places. In your introduction paragraph, you will introduce what topic you are writing about. In your body paragraphs, you will have three different subtopics- they are related directly to your main topic. In your conclusion, you sum up your information.

17 F IVE PARAGRAPH E SSAY A CTIVITY Your Topic: What (town/city/county)is like Your subtopics: where we eat, what we do for fun, and things we’d like to change Write an intro paragraph Write three body paragraphs (one about each subtopic) Write a conclusion paragraph that sums up your essay

18 L ITERARY T ERMS - P OETRY Sound devices- ways to write poetry that appeal to our sense of hearing Rhyme- a pattern of repeated sounds End rhyme- when the rhyme is at the end of the line Alliteration- when sounds are repeated at the beginning of words

19 P OETRY A CTIVITIES Using a literature book, find five examples of rhyme. Write down page #, author, title Using a lit book, find five examples of end rhyme. Write down page #, author, title Using a lit book, find five examples of alliteration. Write down page #, author, title

20 L ITERARY T ERMS Figurative language is when we say one thing but mean another. Figurative language is often found in poetry. Metaphors compare two unlike things without saying “like” or “as.” Similes compare two unlike things using “like” or “as.”

21 F IGURATIVE L ANGUAGE A CTIVITY Using a Lit book, find 3 examples of metaphors and 3 examples of similes.

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