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 2600 BC- 2500 BC  Cairo, Egypt  Built as tombs for Egyptian Kings.

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3  2600 BC- 2500 BC  Cairo, Egypt  Built as tombs for Egyptian Kings

4 The Hanging Gardens of Babylon   605 BC- 562BC  Baghdad, Iraq  Built by a king for his homesick wife


6  435 BC  Olympia, Greece  Dedicated to the Greek God, Zeus

7 The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus  353 BC  Southwestern Turkey  Built as a Tomb for a Persian King, King Mausolus

8  283BC - 246 BC  Alexandria, Egypt  Built to guide ships to the harbor Lighthouse of Alexandria

9  200 BC  Island In the Aegean Sea  Built To Welcome Visitors


11 >The Great Pyramids >The Hanging Gardens Of Babylon >The Temple of Artemis >The Statue of Zeus >Mausoleum at Halicarnausses >The Lighthouse of Alexandria >Colossus Of Rhodes

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