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US Foreign Policy Up to WWI Early Imperial Moves – Mexico / Japan Growth of Naval Power – Pacific Interests Spanish American War and its Outcomes New American.

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Presentation on theme: "US Foreign Policy Up to WWI Early Imperial Moves – Mexico / Japan Growth of Naval Power – Pacific Interests Spanish American War and its Outcomes New American."— Presentation transcript:

1 US Foreign Policy Up to WWI Early Imperial Moves – Mexico / Japan Growth of Naval Power – Pacific Interests Spanish American War and its Outcomes New American Nationalism and Empire Theodore Roosevelt shapes American Foreign Policy US on eve of WWI

2 Mid 19 th Century Manifest Destiny = Imperialism Mexican American War Japan

3 Foreign Policy Milestones for US prior to WWI Hawaii Spanish American War Open Door Notes / China and the Boxer Rebellion Russo Japanese War Panama + Caribbean Interventions Mexican Expedition

4 William McKinley "I have already transmitted to Congress the report of the naval court of inquiry on the destruction of the battleship Maine in the harbor of Havana during the night of the fifteenth of February. The destruction of that noble vessel has filled the national heart with inexpressible horror. Two hundred and fifty-eight brave sailors and marines and two officers of our Navy, reposing in the fancied security of a friendly harbor, have been hurled to death, grief and want brought to their homes and sorrow to the nation."

5 The Spanish American War Cuban Revolt Hearst / Pulitzer / Jingoism USS Maine Reluctant Prez / Enthusiastic Public Dewey – Phillipines Hawaii - Cuba – Rough Riders – Theodore Roosevelt

6 So you’ve got an empire… now what? Controversy of empire When I next realized that the Philippines had dropped into our laps I confess I did not know what to do with them... And one night late it came to me this way...1) That we could not give them back to Spain- that would be cowardly and dishonorable; 2) that we could not turn them over to France and Germany-our commercial rivals in the Orient-that would be bad business and discreditable; 3) that we not leave them to themselves- they are unfit for self-government-and they would soon have anarchy and misrule over there worse than Spain's wars; and 4) that there was nothing left for us to do but to take them all, and to educate the Filipinos, and uplift and civilize and Christianize them, --- McKinley

7 Foreign Policy for the post Civil War Generation “Role of Naval Power” European Imperialism Authentic Experiences Yellow Press End of the Frontier Does US need periodic bloodletting? –Does each generation need its own war?

8 Start of WWI Europe and –isms Causes v. Sparks Alliances Franz Ferdinand Mobilization Schlieffen Plan Stalemate Attrition and Trenches US seeks to stay neutral … why?










18 Trench Warfare life.shtml











29 US Foreign Involvement Before WWI


31 Submarine Warfare Goal – Cut off England to knock them out of the war Danger – Might bring US into the war Sussex Pledge

32 US Joins the War US Neutrality – (trade, immigrants) Germany as aggressor English ties Submarine Warfare Lusitania Russian Revolution – Impact Zimmerman Note What does the US bring to the war? Convoys, no trenches, new leadership

33 US entry to WWI Refuse to fight under allied command Refuse to dig trenches Break the stalemate Battles 2 nd Marne, Argonne, Belleau Wood, Chateau Thierry Total War Mobilization at Home – Job openings for Women, African Americans Rationing, Propaganda, Draft etc. Real impact of US on war is fresh infusion of men / supplies

34 US and the Treaty of Versailles 14 Points Our war Make the world free … what about at home Isolationism High Casualties Wilson stroke and rejection of treaty…

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