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Social Skills Ronald Reagan IB High School Approaches to Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Skills Ronald Reagan IB High School Approaches to Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Skills Ronald Reagan IB High School Approaches to Learning

2 Definition “By effectively and respectfully collaborating.”

3 Expectations ExceedingMeetingIn ProgressLimited Progress I help the other people in the group who may not be as strong as I am. I adhere to the norms that have been established and always have my work done well and on time. I contribute to the positive climate in the group and respect the people I work with. I get my work done. I help motivate others to get their work done. I prefer to work on my own, but I get my part of the work done. I don’t like working with other people. I work better on my own, so I either don’t participate or do what I want to do.

4 Social Skills Examples of Social Skills While I sometimes prefer to work alone, I maintain a positive attitude I positively contribute to the group I help motivate my group members so we are all successful I help others in my group by modeling completed work and showing leadership skills Examples of Disruptive Social Skills Since I don’t like working in a group, I ignore my group members I refuse to contribute to the group I don’t care about the success of the group I seldom have my work completed for my group and I don’t take responsibility for our group work

5 Academic Achievement and Academic Behaviors: Both Matter “Over the past 10 years, ACT research on student success has advanced to include motivation, social engagement, and self- regulation... “ “Social Engagement: Interpersonal factors that influence students’ successful integration into their environment. Behaviors in this domain are related to participation and engagement in social and community activities, such as extracurricular activities.”

6 The Connection ACT College & Career Readiness “We all want our students to graduate prepared to take on future opportunities with success.” Approaches to Learning Create positive climate Respect the group Motivate others Adhere to group norms IB Learner Profiles: Open Minded Caring Risk-Takers

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