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Presentation on theme: "11 POWERPOINT PRESENTATION BY DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, GNCT DELHI."— Presentation transcript:



3 33 INTRODUCTION Supply of cooked meal started in July, 2003 and up to Dec., 2004, phase wise all primary schools were covered under the scheme. DOE was declared as Nodal Department in September 2005 by MHRD. All Upper primary schools in Delhi have been covered under the mid day meal scheme by 2009-10.

4 44 OBJECTIVES Improving the nutritional status of children. Encouraging poor children to attend school more regularly and to help them concentrate on classroom activities. Enhancing school attendance and reducing gender, caste & creed discrimination. Enhance girls school attendance.

5 55 IMPLEMENTATION Scheme is implemented individually by DOE, MCD, NDMC & DCB through NGOs/Service Providers. DOE being Nodal Department, coordinates with MCD, NDMC & DCB in matters of allocation and release of budget & food grains and also for liaison with Ministry of HRD.

6 66 IMPLEMENTATION (Contd.) Deptt. NGO / Service Providers SchoolFCI Releases food grains for NGOs/Service Providers. Coordinates/monitors lifting of food grain quantity Sends data on supply of cooked meal on monthly basis Supplies cooked meal Contract

7 77 IMPLEMENTATION (Contd.) Menu Menu determined by Nutrition Foundation of India and adopted by DOE, MCD NDMC & DCB and is as follows:- Wheat BasedRice based 1. Atta & Besan Puri with Aaloo Curry/or Mixed Vegetables. 1.Rice Chholley with mashed vegetables added to the gravy. 2. Atta Poori with Chholley (mashed vegetables added to the gravy) 2.Rice with Sambar /Dal (with vegetables added to the gravy) 3. Suzi Halwa with Chholley3.Rice with Kadhi (with vegetables added to the gravy)

8 88 IMPLEMENTATION (Contd.) Implementing Agencies NGOs/Service Providers D.O.E. 16 MCD 8 NDMC 2 DCB 1 Total 27 Supply of Mid Day Meal is Outsourced


10 10 COVERAGE Name of DepartmentNo. of Schools No of students (I- V) No of students ( VI – VIII) DOE & Aided Schools/AIE Centers 1147147817690278 MCD & Aided Schools179010104310 NDMC & Aided Schools62151196756 DCB & Aided Schools619981084 Total30051175365698118 Total Coverage : 18.73 Lakhs

11 11 Display of information At the school level, following information displayed at prominent place:- 1.No of children served mid day meal in the primary & upper primary classes. 2.Name and address with telephone number of the service Provider. 3.MDM Monitoring Committee Members list. 4. Daily Menu.

12 12 NUMBER OF DAYS MEAL SUPPLIED (Primary) DOEMCDNDMCDCB 2007-08 177199201 Not started 2008-09 190204190 39 ( w.e.f. Jan., 2009) 2009-10 (31.12.2009) 135141 133

13 13 NUMBER OF DAYS MEAL SUPPLIED (Upper Primary) DOENDMCDCB 2008-09Not started107 (MDM started In Nov.08) 39 (MDM started in Jan.,09 2009-10 (31st Dec., 2009) 58 ( MDM started in DOE w. e. f. 29.09.2009) 141133

14 14 ALLOCATION & LIFTING OF GRAINS (IN M.T.) PRIMARY Note:- 1. After allocation of the food grains to MCD, NDMC & DCB, the excess quantity of food grains by 390 M.T. has been added in the account of DOE. Therefore lifted %of food grains in case of DOE is low. 2. 15310 M.T. (75%) of food grains has been lifted up to Feb., 2010. S. No.Name of Agency Allocation (1-4-09 to 31-3-10) Lifted upto to 31-12-09 % 1DOE2941.971514.1251.5 2MCD17020.0011182.9465.70 3NDMC288.22185.1664.24 4DCB40.6628.7870.78 Total20290.8512911.0063.63

15 15 ALLOCATION & LIFTING OF GRAINS (in M.T.) Upper Primary Sr.No.Name of Agency Allocation (01.04.2009 to 31.03.2010 Lifted upto (31.12.2010) Percentage 1DOE20956.51309714.77 2NDMC174.2581.546.77 3DCB32.0822.7270.82 Total21162.843201.2215.12 Note:- 1 The mid day meal scheme implemented in DOE w.e.f 29.09.2009. 2. After allocation of the food grains to NDMC & DCB, the excess quantity of food grains by 1073.18 MT has been added in the account of DOE. Therefore lifted percentage of food grains in case of DOE has further gone down. 3. 5776.6 M.T. (27.1%) of Food grains has been lifted up to Feb., 2010

16 16 Budget and Expenditure 2009-10AllocationR.B.E. Expenditure (upto 31.12.2009) DOE39953000127 MCD4000 1998.42 NDMC100 69.99 DCB10 9.1 Total810571102204.51 Note:- Mid Day Meal started in D.O.E. in upper Primary classes w.e.f. 29.09.2009 Total expenditure upto 7 th March 2010 is Rs.4729.33 lakhs.

17 17 Requirement of Helpers for distribution of MDM in schools MDM is outsourced in Delhi and is to be distributed within 20-30 minutes in recess time. 18740 helpers will be required on the basis of one helper for every 100 students and will work for 2 hours daily. Keeping in view the minimum wages in Delhi for unskilled workers, a total of Rs.2010.10 lakhs are required @ Rs.50/- per day per helper. Detailed calculation is given on format AT-17. Central Share-Rs. 1507.60 lakhs. State Share-Rs. 502.50 lakhs. Total-Rs. 2010.10 lakhs As per MHRD guidelines 11 helpers may be provided for every 1,000 students and are to be paid for 10 months in the year @ Rs.1,000/- per helper. On this basis, total budget requirement is Rs.2060.80 Lakhs.

18 18 PAYMENT MECHANISM Deptt. NGO SchoolFCI Releases grains Verification of lifting Allocates Budget Contract Ministry P.A.O Bill Cheque Bill Cheque Bill Cheque

19 19 MONITORING Internal –Instructions issued to all HOSs, EOs, DDEs, for intense monitoring. –School Level Committee comprises of HoS, Teacher Incharge, Home Science Teacher, Three Mothers, DDO & one VKS Member. –Before distribution, Committee Members taste the food daily. –Zonal Level Steering Cum-Monitoring Committee comprises of EO, Two Principals, Two Parents and one VKS Member and meet once in a month. –EOs visit the kitchens at least once a week. –DDEs also visit the kitchens at least once in a month.

20 20 MONITORING External -Testing of Food samples by Sri Ram Institute of Industrial Research. -Testing of one sample per month of each service provider. -Food Sample may be from school or kitchen. -At present, 27 service providers with 29 Kitchens, supplying MDM in Delhi.

21 21 Observations of MHRD’s Monitoring Institute – Centre for the Study of Developing Societies ObservationAction Taken 1.To inspect kitchens and schools to ensure effective monitoring 2.Weighing Machines are required in schools 3.Bills on daily basis by Suppliers. 4.Quality of food grain issued from FCI to be monitored periodically. 1.Instructions issued to HOSs, EOs, and DDEs 2.Procurement of machines is in process. 3.Monthly food cards have information on daily basis. 4.Instructions are to be issued to HOSs, EOs, and DDEs.

22 22 New Initiatives Two independent agencies were engaged in the year 2009-10 for the study of mid day meal in Delhi in respect of two different topics namely:- 1. Study of Nutrient & Micronutrient contents in the mid day meal provided to the children and fortification with vitamin A,B,C and D by Krishna Foundation. (Report received on 03.11.2009) 2. Study of impact of school meals on attendance, learning and health outcomes in Delhi by Centre for Development of Economics, Delhi School of Economics. (Report received on 05.04.2010).

23 23 Recommendations of Krishna Foundation RecommendationAction Taken 1. Mid Day Meal may be fortified with multi micro nutrient pre-mix to meet the demand of school children. Education Department consulted World Food Organisation for Fortification and proposal from WFO has been received recently. Matter is under active consideration for implementation of fortification of MDM from this financial year. 2. There is also the need for careful post fortification monitoring to ensure safety and effectiveness of fortification of mid day meal.

24 24 Obvservations of Centre for Development of Economics, Delhi School of Economics. S. No.Observations 1MDM programme has raised attention spans, cognitive ability and nutritional status 2Has increased attendance rates. 3Significant height gains for Boys in Classes 6 & 7 relative to class-5. 4No such significant similar gains for girls is detected. 5The most liked menu is Aaloo Poori 6The least preferred menu is Channa Halwa. 7Uptake of MDM was around 70% and it is highest in East District with nearly 90% children eating meal.

25 25 Budget Provision for 2010-11 (Primary) 25 S.No.ComponentCentral Share For State Share Total 1Cost of Foodgrain1210.194501210.195 2Cooking Cost4985.91653.716639.61 3 Honorarium to Cook-cum- Helper808269.31077.3 4Transportation Assistance185.130 5MME144.620 6Kitchen-cum-Store000 7Kitchen Devices000 Total 7333.84451923.019256.8545 Rs. In Lakhs

26 26 Budget Provision for 2010-11 Upper Primary 26 Rs. In Lakhs S.No.ComponentCentral Share State Share Total 1Cost of Foodgrain1128.8620 2Cooking Cost4637.521550.976188.49 3 Honorarium to Cook-cum- Helper699.6233.2932.8 4Transportation Assistance171.930 5MME134.80 6Kitchen-cum-Store000 7Kitchen Devices000 Total6772.7121784.178556.882

27 27 Budget Provision for 2010-11 (Primary and Upper Primary) 27 S. No. ComponentCentral Share State Share Total 1Cost of Food grains2339.05650.0002339.0565 2Cooking Cost9623.423204.6812828.10 3 Honorarium to Cook- cum-Helper1507.60502.502010.10 4 Transportation Assistance357.060.00357.06 5MME279.420.00279.42 6Kitchen-cum-Store0.00 7Kitchen Devices0.00 Total14106.55653707.1817813.7365 Rs. In Lakhs

28 28 Issues Due to traffic congestion it takes 1-2 hours to supply Mid Day Meal to some of the schools. Kitchens are not evenly located in different areas of Delhi. Helpers for distribution have to be arranged at school level. In Delhi, there are students who do not want to eat Mid Day Meal daily. They either eat only selective Menus or do not eat at all. In some areas like South Delhi and New Delhi, students do not like Mid Day Meal.

29 29 Sealed Meal containers being received and entered in MDM Register 29

30 30 Meal being tasted by the HoS & and other Members

31 31 Distribution of Mid Day Meal 31

32 32 IT’s Meal Time

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