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Creating a new sport. Introduction Student are to create a new sport on their own. They will be divided into two groups, and be assigned to make rules.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a new sport. Introduction Student are to create a new sport on their own. They will be divided into two groups, and be assigned to make rules."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a new sport

2 Introduction Student are to create a new sport on their own. They will be divided into two groups, and be assigned to make rules and regulations for the sport in which they create. At the end of the semester they will present it to the other group and demonstrate it and play it with each other.

3 TASK The task is to invent a sport that has never been thought of before. But to make a sport there needs to be rules and regulations for it. So the students will need to create all corners of the sport and even give it a name, place to be played and think of how many can play the game.

4 Process Find a theme for the sport? How many people are involved? Are there teams or just singles, and if so how many on a team? What is the purpose of the game? Where would it be located to play?

5 Evaluation Rubric Students are graded based on how well they used their minds and skills of other sports to create the new one. All students in the group will be given the same grade based on how much time they all put into it.

6 Conclusion Now the teacher will go over each sport that was created and discuss any thing that he or she felt was wrong or miss used, or that could have been improved. The students will now see both sides of each sport and share with both groups their ideas on how they came up with the sport. Then at the end of this they will have one other class take part in both of their sports and vote on which sport the found to be the better.

7 Resources –Create a sportCreate a sport

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