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A stochastic approach for collision detection in a highly deformable surface Laks Raghupati, Vincent Cantin, François Faure, Marie-Paule Cani EVASION-GRAVIR.

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Presentation on theme: "A stochastic approach for collision detection in a highly deformable surface Laks Raghupati, Vincent Cantin, François Faure, Marie-Paule Cani EVASION-GRAVIR."— Presentation transcript:

1 A stochastic approach for collision detection in a highly deformable surface Laks Raghupati, Vincent Cantin, François Faure, Marie-Paule Cani EVASION-GRAVIR (CNRS,INRIA,INPG,UJF) Collaboration with IRCAD, Strasbourg and LIFL, Lille

2 Motivation Minimally invasive surgery training One camera Two actuators Challenges: (Tissue and fluid modeling) Highly colliding bodies Real-time simulation

3 Previous work Real-time volumetric deformation ● [Cotin00], [Debunne01], [James99,02],[Meseure00],[Pincibono02],[Muller02] Collision detection ● Sphere trees [Palmer95],[Bradshaw02] ● Delaunay triangulations [Cohen95] ● OBB-trees [Gottschalk96] ● AABB-trees [van den Bergen97] ● Temporal coherency [Lin 92]

4 Medical context Operate on colon Need first to push the small intestine apart

5 The mesentery Not a well-defined geometric object A lot of self-collisions

6 A model of intestine and mesentery Topology: rectangular mesh with diagonals

7 Initial shape Collision-free Intestine developed on a cylinder Attachement = axis Intestine

8 Mechanical model Mass-spring system with edge-edge collisions

9 Collision detection Typically 70-90 % CPU time Lot of previous work (grids, space-based hierarchies, object-based hierarchies...) We want to control the computation time Use time coherency Manage a set of active pairs

10 Closest features Local minima of distance (edge pairs) Initialized randomly Updated at each time step

11 Distance update Visit the neighboring pairs Line-line: 3*3 distance computations Line-surface: 3*11 Surface-surface: 11*11

12 Reducing the number of distance computations Ignore mesentery-mesentery collisions Possible in this context Update one edge then the other n+m computations instead of n*m Further optimizations ?

13 Managing the set of active pairs At each frame: Pick n pairs randomly Update each pair (local minimas) Delete redundant pairs Delete pairs with distance > D Tune computation time using n and D

14 Tests Stochastic vs O(n²)

15 Propagation The method (hopefully) finds one colliding pair per colliding region Collisions are recursively searched starting from the colliding pair The propagation is expensive ● Use a hash map to tag the edge pairs already explored ● Apply heuristics to reduce the search

16 Computation time Stochastic vs O(n²) Needs comparisons with other methods

17 Application 400 particles 30 fps Nicer rendering using harware skinning and texture mapping

18 Demo

19 Conclusion Collision detection for highly deformable objects Tune the computation time Future work ● Triangle-triangle collisions (Matthieu Nesme) ● Better heuristics (Matthieu Nesme) Search and propagation Criteria for deleting: distance, velocity ● Comparison with other approaches Hierarchical k-dops (Stefan Kimmerle) ● Toward a realistic surgery simulator

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