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Chapter 4 Honors and Lab Biology.  Quick Write : ◦ Why do we need to learn about cells?

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4 Honors and Lab Biology.  Quick Write : ◦ Why do we need to learn about cells?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4 Honors and Lab Biology

2  Quick Write : ◦ Why do we need to learn about cells?

3 Healing time is radically reduced and scarring almost eliminated by bioartificial skin!

4  Cells that do NOT contain membrane bound organelles. (unicellular)

5 Cells that DO contain membrane bound organelles.

6  Cells were discovered due to microscopes in the early 17 th century  ROBERT HOOKE 1665 (english scientist) examined a slice of cork, he saw “little boxes” they reminded him of small rooms….cells! These were dead plant cells.  ANTON VAN LEEUWENHOEK 1632-1723 (dutch microscope maker) first to observe living cells

7  Is the smallest unit of matter that can carry out all the processes of life.  Organelle: parts within a cell!

8  1. All living things are composed of one or more cells  2. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in an organism  3. Cells come from the reproduction of existing cells.

9  Matthias Schleiden (1838) botanist, all plants are composed of cells  Theodor Schwann (1839) zoologist, all animals are composed of cells  Rudolf Virchow (1855) physician, cells come ONLY from other cells.

10  Not all cells are alike! They vary in… ◦ A) size ◦ B) shape ◦ C) internal organization SIZE: range from.2m – 0.2um (most are 10-50um) -not all are microscopic (most are) ex: giraffe’s nerve cells extend 6.5 ft. down it’s leg!! Cells are limited in size by the ratio between their outer surface area and their volume

11  Organelles: parts of a cell, have specific jobs  Tissues: groups of cells that have a similar function

12 !!



15  Organ systems- a group of organs that work together to perform a set of related tasks. Digestive system includes: the stomach, esophagus, intestines and mouth.  Cells → Tissues → Organs → Organ Systems


17  Cell Membrane – separates cell from external environment, gives shape and flexibility to cell, selectively permeable

18  Cytoplasm: ◦ gelatin like aqueous fluid called cytosol ◦ Cytoplasmic streaming ◦ Mostly water but also salts and organic molecules

19  Mitochondia: power house of the cell! Where cellular respiration occurs, production of ATP, has it’s own DNA ◦ Cristae: inner membrane creating many folds to increase surface area

20  Ribosomes: where proteins are made, ◦ Free Floating Ribosome: make proteins for the cell ◦ Ribosomes attached to ER: make proteins to be exported from the cell

21  Endoplasmic Reticulum: (ER) acts as a highway for molecules to move around the cell. ◦ Smooth ER: does NOT contain ribosomes ◦ Rough ER: does contain ribosomes

22  Golgi Apparatus (bodies) processes, packages, and secretes  a) product is assembled (moves from ER to golgi, where it is put together and adjusted)  b) product is packaged (in new sacs)  c) product is mailed out (sent out of cell)

23  Cilia: short hair like projections beat together to move an organism ex: humans trachea cilia move fluids and mucus! YUM

24  Flagella: long, whiplike projections, single or in pairs, rapid movement, ex: sperm

25  Nucleus: brains! Control center of cell, DNA & RNA are made here! ◦ Nuclear envolope: double membrane with pores ◦ Chromatin: fine strands of DNA & protein ◦ Nucleolus: inside nucleus where ribosomes are made

26  Lysosome: digestive enzymes, digest food, disease causing bacteria, old organelles, ex: lysosomes eat up tissue between fingers in embryos, usually only in animal cells

27  Cytoskeleton- helps shape & support cells ◦ Microtubules: long slender protein tubes form spindle fibers during mitosis ◦ Microfilaments: fine protein threads

28  Centrioles: cell reproduction  Centrosome: cell reproduction


30  Cell Wall: rigid covering made of cellulose, protects cell, goes OUTSIDE cell membrane

31  Central Vacuole: huge structure which may take up 90% of the space in plant cell

32  Plastids ◦ a) chloroplasts : site for photosynthesis ◦ b) chromoplasts: stores red and yellow pigment ◦ c) leucoplasts: non pigmented


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