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Welcome, Context and Introductions  Principles for a Strong Board Chair-Executive Partnership  Roles of the Executive and Board Chair  Relationship.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome, Context and Introductions  Principles for a Strong Board Chair-Executive Partnership  Roles of the Executive and Board Chair  Relationship."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome, Context and Introductions  Principles for a Strong Board Chair-Executive Partnership  Roles of the Executive and Board Chair  Relationship Model for the Board, Staff and Community  Relationship Challenges  Strong Executive-Chair Relationships Lead to Greater Community Impact Final Thoughts of Participants

3 What made it great?

4  Mutual respect and appreciation for one another  Honesty and openness  Willingness to adapt and compromise








12 Board Chair BoardStaffExecutiveCommunity


14  Personality type  Occupation of board chair  Feeling of uncertainty, intimidation or lack of motivation




18 Margaret Mead, Anthropologist



21  Boardroom Chemistry: Getting Your Board to Govern as a Team. Washington, DC: BoardSource, 2010.  The Bridgespan Group, Becoming a More Effective Nonprofit Board. 2009.  Chait, Richard P., How to Help Your Board to Govern More and Manage Less. Washington, DC: BoardSource, 2003.  Chait, Richard P., William P. Ryan, and Barbara Taylor, Governance as Leadership. Hoboken NJ: Wiley, 2005.  Flynn, Outi, Meeting and Exceeding Expectations: A Guide to Successful Nonprofit Board Meetings. Washington, DC: BoardSource, 2009.  The Handbook of Nonprofit Governance. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2010.  Hammond, Sue Annis, The Thin Book of Appreciative Inquiry. Bend, OR: Thin Book, 1998.  Harrison, Yvonne D., Vic Murray, The Best and Worst of Board Chairs. The Nonprofit Quarterly. Winter 2012: p. 86-91.  Hummel, Joan M., Starting and Running a Nonprofit Organization. Minneapolis, MN: University of MN Press, 2004.  Ingram, Richard T., Ten Basic Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards. Washington, DC: BoardSource, 2015.  The Nonprofit Board Answer Book: A Practical Guide for Board Members and Chief Executives. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2012.  Patterson, Sally J., Generating Buzz: Strategic Communications for Nonprofit Boards. Washington, DC: BoardSource, 2006.  Williams, Sherrill K., and Kathleen A. McGinnis, Getting the Best from Your Board: An Executive’s Guide to a Successful Partnership. Washington, DC: BoardSource, 2009.  Wertheimer, Mindy R., The Board Chair Handbook. Washington, DC: BoardSource, 2008.


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