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El Camino De Santiago The Way of Saint James. Video.

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Presentation on theme: "El Camino De Santiago The Way of Saint James. Video."— Presentation transcript:

1 El Camino De Santiago The Way of Saint James

2 Video

3 What is The Camino? A Pilgrimage route since the Middle Ages. The Camino Starts in various places throughout Europe and finishes at the church of St. James in Northwestern Spain.

4 What is the route of the Camino?

5 Who was Santiago? Son of Zebedee. Brother of John. “Son of Thunder" Apostle of Jesus. Believed to have seen the transfiguration. Mark 1:19 A little farther, he saw James and his brother John, sons of Zebedee, who were in a boat mending their nets. 20 Then he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with his assistants, and followed him. Rembrandt (1661)

6 The Legends of St. James The patron saint of Spain. Beheaded by Herodias in 44 ( first martyr ) His relics were taken to Spain Rests in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.

7 Symbols of the Camino The Scallop Shell The Cross of St. James

8 Symbols de El Camino (cont.) The Pilgrim

9 La Compostela Certificate At the end, you recieve a certificate or a compostela.

10 La Compostela To get"La Compostela" at the end of the journey you have to: 1.Walk or ride a horse more than 100 km. 200 km bike. 2.Display a credential with seals. 3.Make the pilgrimage for religious reasons

11 Seals of Cities along the Route

12 The Certificate The certificate is received by a person making the pilgrimage for other reasons as cultural, tourism, etc. you can receive the certificate if you go to Santiago de Compostela Bus.

13 The Cathedral Virtual Tour:

14 El Botafumeiro Ritual

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