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Mainstreaming Disability P. P P. Stephen, IRCDS. Mainstream Side stream Your Boat What if you are in the Mainstream? What if you are in the Side stream?

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Presentation on theme: "Mainstreaming Disability P. P P. Stephen, IRCDS. Mainstream Side stream Your Boat What if you are in the Mainstream? What if you are in the Side stream?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mainstreaming Disability P. P P. Stephen, IRCDS

2 Mainstream Side stream Your Boat What if you are in the Mainstream? What if you are in the Side stream?

3 WHAT IS MAINSTREAMING ? “ Mainstreaming is about building disability into existing agendas, frameworks and processes”. “Mainstreaming is a method to promote inclusion and to address the barriers that exclude persons with disability from full and equal participation in society”.

4 WHY MAINSTREAM DISABILITY? Mainstreaming is essential if we want to tackle the exclusion of disabled people. Inclusive services: Supporting basic services to include disabled people. It’s a matter of Rights: Mainstreaming is essentially a question of rights. Everyone, including every disabled person, has the same fundamental human rights, such as the right to life, to information, to freedom of movement, to education, to family life, to decent work and to a voice in decisions that affect them.

5 How to approach mainstreaming? Mainstreaming is an ongoing process of including disability into all our work. Mainstreaming starts with us. We can all be role models of more equitable and inclusive relationships between disabled and non-disabled people.

6 Mainstreaming Model

7 1. Organizational commitment 2. Sensitization Process 3. Programme mainstreaming 4. Policy mainstreaming 5.Workplace mainstreaming

8 1. Organizational Commitment Management support is essential to allow adjustments to organizational policies and processes Develop an understanding of the situation of disabled women & girls and men & boys.

9 2. Sensitization process is the process of building people’s personal engagement with, and commitment to, disability. is staff becoming personally engaged with their organization’s commitment to mainstreaming. without our individual commitment, there can be no mainstreaming.

10 4. Programme Mainstreaming is to include persons with disabilities in our programme planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and documentation processes.

11 4.Policy Mainstreaming is to address wider policy and institutional barriers that exclude persons with disabilities from equal participation. we need to engage with policy as well as practice.

12 5.Work Place Mainstreaming  appropriate adjustments is in our own workplaces.  Workplace mainstreaming is about creating an inclusive, barrier-free workplace where disabled people can participate equally.  appropriate policies and procedures and ensuring that other employees treat disabled people equitably, with dignity and respect.

13 ngo NGO level Develop Disability Policy /strategy paper on disability. All the existing and future programmes/ projects should have the disability inclusiive Include the component of PWDs in the existing monthly/Qty/HY reporting formats One of agenda for EC & staff meeting could be mainstreaming disability Good Practices

14 ----% Reservation for PWDs in EC/GB ----% reservation for PWDs in new staff recruitment Orient all the EC/GB Members & staff on disability perspective Orient the stakeholders including Govt., churches, Donors/ funding agencies on the needs of PWDs and MS strategies.

15 Good Practices Include the Disability mainstreaming, good practices, success stories in the organizational annual reports, News letters, websites etc. Conduct situational analysis about PWDs across the project area. Include the causes of disability, Management of disability, Barriers, rights of PWDs, schemes meant for PWDs in the trainings.

16 Get the information under RTI to ensure the utilisation of 3 % funds for PWDs in Government schemes. Networking/alliance building with DPOs & other NGOs, Churches etc

17 Mainstreaming at Project level Sl Project NameScope for mainstreaming Process to be followed Challenges faced/for seen Overcome Program level 1 2 3 Organizational level - Workplace level

18 Comprehensive Approach Disability Specific  Services  Disability related Skills Inclusive Development  Peoples‘ Attitudes  Legislation & Rights  Empower




22 that includes PWDs in the mainstream as equal partners August 2012 that does not side stream PWDs

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