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Prepared by Sarah E. Prater and Toni Johnson on behalf of the TTUHSC SOP Amarillo Office of the Regional Dean Organizational Finance 101.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared by Sarah E. Prater and Toni Johnson on behalf of the TTUHSC SOP Amarillo Office of the Regional Dean Organizational Finance 101."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared by Sarah E. Prater and Toni Johnson on behalf of the TTUHSC SOP Amarillo Office of the Regional Dean Organizational Finance 101

2 1.Overview of funding process 2.Fundraising guidelines 3.Purchase request process 4.Travel 5.Financial reporting process Outline

3 Section 1 Funding Organizations: An Overview

4 Flow of Student Fees Monies Bursar’s Office Student Fees $ TTUHSC AMA Student Senate PT Program AMA SOP Student Council AMA School of Medicine GSA Budgets $ Student Organizations

5  Every April, organizations will submit budget requests to the Student Council for the fiscal year beginning in September of the same year.  Organization treasurers attend May StuCo meeting  Budget recommendations are formalized  Standardized budget form  Budget Template.pdfBudget Template.pdf Budgets

6  Organization must be registered with HSC Student Services  Must complete by August 1 st each year with Office of Professional Affairs  Application for funding cannot be accepted if your organization is not registered  “Application for funding from the Student Government Association cannot be accepted if your organization is not registered with HSC Student Services.” --TTUHSC Student Organizations Funding Regulations Handbook, Page 6  Organization must be and remain in good standing Budget Policies

7  “First Year” organizations are only eligible for up to $500 of contingency funding  New organizations  Organizations that have not applied for funding in the previous 3 fiscal years Budget Policies

8  These funds are designed to supplement but not fully support each organization.  “The Budget and Finance Committee recognizes that Lubbock and Amarillo students attending Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center are required to pay a student service fee. A portion of this fee is allocated to qualified organizations through the Student Senate Appropriations Bill and through the funding process. However, this allocation does not provide sufficient funds to support all the activities of every organization. Accordingly, the reallocation of such funds is a judgment process undertaken by the Committee within the framework of an overall philosophy that includes that student service fees are allocated to qualified organizations to supplement their activities, not as sole support for the organizations.” --TTUHSC Student Organizations Funding Regulations Handbook, Page 4 Student Fees Monies

9  Each organization has 2 accounts: 1.Student Council allocated funds (P-card)  Student fees monies 2.Outside bank account (“slush” funds) – 2 member signature authority  Monies donated  Fundraiser revenue  Grants awarded Accounts Setup

10 Fundraising Guidelines

11  Each organization gets 1 tax-free sales day per month  Register your fundraiser date as early as possible with Toni Johnson to ensure your date  Cannot have fundraisers with competing products on the same day (ex. two t-shirt sales)  Bakes sales and commission sales are tax free  This means you can have more than one per month (be respectful in regards to sharing the calendar with other organizations)  Commission sales: sales where organization is acting as sales agent on behalf of company to receive a commission of sales generated. Fundraising Guidelines

12  Must complete fundraiser request process prior to fundraiser event  Forward fundraiser forms to the Office of Professional Affairs for approval for each fundraiser  Can take 2-3 weeks for approval, and dates can’t be reserved until all signatures of approval have been received  If your fundraiser will take place on the Amarillo campus, you only need your regional dean’s approval. If your fundraiser is multi-campus, you will need all regional deans to approve your fundraiser request.  Fundraising Request Form.pdf Fundraising Request Form.pdf Fundraising Guidelines

13  Organization must adhere to the purpose of the fundraiser  Ex. If you advertise that a portion of the proceeds of your fundraiser will be donated to a charity, you must donate that portion of your proceeds. Fundraising Guidelines

14 Purchase Request Process

15  Student Council funds can be used for:  Display items/informational handouts for health fairs  Food for meetings (1x/semester)  Conference registration fees  Travel  2015-16 Purchase Card Request Form.pdf 2015-16 Purchase Card Request Form.pdf Student Council Funds

16  For purchases of $5000 or less from Student Council Funds  Also for purchasing through Toni  Make sure to keep receipts and turn them in in a timely manner using the receipt form P-Card Policies

17 Travel

18  Each student who is a member of an organization is allowed $350 of travel reimbursement each year.  Organizations do not have to cover all of this for each member. Each organization is allowed to allocate travel funding as it fits their finances.  Ex. If APhA can pay $250 toward travel for one conference for one of its members, that member can then travel with Double T and be reimbursed up to $100 to reach that $350/student maximum. Travel Policies

19 Financial Reporting Process

20  Each organization has a financial record book in Toni Johnson’s office  Organization treasurers are responsible for keeping the book up to date and accurate  Setup Organization Books

21  Front pocket = things treasurer needs to log into spreadsheet  Next, updated officer and member lists  Expenses tab  Here you’ll print out your monthly spreadsheet  Budget tab  Here will be your printed budget request for the fiscal year (includes funding contract)  Free conference call  N_160&gclid=CJOvzcmL_bgCFe9aMgodzgsAYA for conference calls (or skype) N_160&gclid=CJOvzcmL_bgCFe9aMgodzgsAYA  Fundraising tab  Fundraising form  Pcard info  Pcard policy and purple purchase order form  Travel tab  Travel reimbursement policy and yellow travel form Organization Books

22  Student council has instituted a new reporting form that will need to be completed prior to the Student Council each month  New form outlines the previous month’s activities—fundraisers, events held, and travel. Monthly Report

23  TTUHSC Student Organization/Specialty Clubs Budget & Finance 2014-2015 Funding Regulations Handbook  SOP OP 77.P.30  HSC OP 79.06 Resources

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