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Transferring knowledge from short term to long term (Individual research, SOL, classical and virtual library) February 2014.

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1 Transferring knowledge from short term to long term (Individual research, SOL, classical and virtual library) February 2014

2 „Repetitio est mater studiorum.“ (= “Repetition is the mother of studies.“) Roman saying, but still very helpful for memorizing things. Comenius February 2014

3 Comenius February 2014 Proportion of memorized items Listen See Listen Repeat Active Use +See +Explain

4 Comenius February 2014 Educational aims have changed: Students should not just know certain facts and be able to reproduce them, but moreover they should be qualified to work and live happily in very quickly changing world.

5 Comenius February 2014 Educational aims have changed: So students should be able to gain relevant information from different sources, act and react adequately in private and professional situations, show communicative and social skills, learn how to learn. Social competence, Methodical competence, Media competence besides the knowledge of important facts

6 Comenius February 2014 Educational aims have changed: We changed our way of teaching Introduction of SOL Self-Organized Learning

7 Comenius February 2014 SOL Teaching Method: Group Puzzle Kick-off expert groups home groups Information one group for one expert for each subject Advance Organizer each subject each student informs others

8 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Morning meeting – morning meeeting – morning meeting – morning meeting 1.: 08:00 - 08:45 SOL: Kick Off Workshop Accounting Workshop Politics Workshop Sports/P.E. SOL: Individual Training Period 2.: 08:45 - 09:30 SOL: Expert groups 3.: 09:45 - 10:30 SOL: Home groups SOL: Individual Training Period SOL: Individual Training Period 4.: 10:30 - 11:15 5.: 11:30 - 12:15 SOL: Feedback, Reflexion 6.: 12:15 - 13:00 Workshop Health, nutrition, education Workshop Economics Workshop Religion 7.: 13:15 - 14:00 Lunch SOL: Weekly Schedule Comenius February 2014

9 SOL: Advance Organizer Comenius February 2014 English Maths Business Admin. Learning situation 1: I‘m customer at …

10 SOL: Target Planning Comenius February 2014 Students‘ target planning: S pecific, clear aims M easurable aims A ctivities leading to aim R elevance / importance T ermination: fixed end

11 Knowledge/Skills: I can… evidence intended Level reached level... explain the term ‚legal capacity‘ and differenciate it from the ‚capacity to contract‘. Note pad... define the three steps of the capacity to contract and form own examples. Note pad, exercises... decide, which of the two terms apply to given examples and explain the legal consequences. Task sheet.... design two own relevant examples and cases.Note pad...die Begriffe „juristische“ und „natürliche Personen“ mit eigenen Worten erklären. Notierhilfe...Beispiele für „natürliche“ und „juristische Personen“ nennen. Notierhilfe, Übungsaufgabe Summe 12 x........ x SOL: List of Competence / Can-do-list Comenius February 2014

12 SOL: Credit Accounts Comenius February 2014 Credit accounts: Weekly reflection of learning activities Points not for success, but for efforts and sticking to the rules Results become part of final mark (25%), besides proper class tests (50%) and short tests (25%)

13 StudentsTeacherCompanies/Parents High commitment Teamplayers Relaxed atmosphere Less problems with difficult students (discipline) Very positive feedback from various local companies Positive effects on the private life Higher personal competences More students gained professional competence Less students left school without qualification Relaxed atmosphere First Feedback: Students learn for life Comenius February 2014

14 Thank you for your attention! Invitation: have look at SOL with Mr Kura! Comenius February 2014

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