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OBJECTIVES Participants will become aware of their personal biases and prejudices. Participants will have specific skills to implement services regardless.

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Presentation on theme: "OBJECTIVES Participants will become aware of their personal biases and prejudices. Participants will have specific skills to implement services regardless."— Presentation transcript:

1 OBJECTIVES Participants will become aware of their personal biases and prejudices. Participants will have specific skills to implement services regardless of beliefs and attitudes.

2 The objectives will be approached from a tri-dimensional perspective: Intrapsychic press Environmental press Interpersonal

3 ENVIRONMENTAL PRESS Certain setting that are more likely to elicit biases and prejudices.

4 INTRAPSYCHIC PRESS These are your enduring attitudes, beliefs, and values introjected from influential people during childhood.

5 INTERPERSONAL PRESS Interactions between two or more people that might trigger biases or prejudices. ( a ) Communication style,passive/ active, physical presentation, mood and behaviors, degree of conflict, etc.

6 STRATEGIES TO ASSIST IN IMPLEMENTING KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS ACQUIRED WITH CLIENTS How a successful outcome with these clients works ( A ) Mental set: your prevailing state of mind has considerable determination how another person is viewed and what your reaction will be 1. Optimism vs. pessimism, taking matters lightly vs. seriously, readiness to react 2. Also related to temperament

7 (B) Rapport: initial techniques to establish and enhance the relationship (C) Insight: certain patterns in your thinking or behavior when interacting with the targeted groups (D) Interpretations: Imparting information STRATEGIES (CON’T)

8 (E) Your Job: a position of authority How influential the information you provide is ( a ) the DVOP or LVER is seen as an expert in obtaining employment (your power) Corrective experiences: occurs when you are re- exposed, under favorable circumstances, to situations (targeted groups) in which you had difficulty in the past

9 (F) Deconditioning: discussing certain issues that otherwise would be avoided (G) Borrowing the client’s “glasses”: viewing life events, thoughts, and feelings in terms of how you imagine your client might respond (part of the learning process) (H) Handling uncomfortable feelings: seeing the connection between feelings and reactions STRATEGIES (CON’T)

10 (I) Assisting targeted groups is a learning experience. Results in a change of attitude, regardless of how minor, and possible change in self-expression (more open) (J) Summing up: self-assessment after the interaction with one of the targeted groups STRATEGIES (CON’T)

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