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The EigenTrust Algorithm for Reputation Management in P2P Networks

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1 The EigenTrust Algorithm for Reputation Management in P2P Networks
Sepandar D.Kamvar Mario T.Schlosser Hector Garcia-Molina Presenter: Jianming Zhou

2 Problem Problem in P2P: Objective: Basic Idea
Inauthentic files distributed by malicious nodes Objective: Identify the source of inauthentic files and bias against downloading from them Basic Idea Reputation System: Assign a trust value to each peer on its previous behaviors

3 Challenges Need an distributed reputation system Desired features
Success like C/S reputation system (eg. eBay) Provide comprehensive evaluation of peer Lower overhead Desired features Self-policy, i.e., no central server Maintain anonymity Robust to malicious node and sybil attack Minimal overhead

4 EigenTrust -- Intro Basic idea Terminology
Each peer has a Global Reputation given by the local trust values assigned by other peers Terminology Local trust value: cij The opinion peer i has of peer j, based on past exp. Each time peer i downloads an authentic/inauthentic file from peer j, cij increases/decreases. Global trust value: ti The trust that the entire system places in peer i

5 More about Local trust value
Normalization Otherwise, malicious peers can assign arbitrarily high local trust value to other malicious peers All cij is non-negative ci1+ci2+ci3+…+cin = 1 Local Trust Vector: ci contains all local trust values cij that peer i has of other peers j

6 Other Approaches Foundation of EigenTrust Past Experience
Reply on past experience Friend-friend reference Past Experience Each peer bias choice based on its vector ci Peer with good experience will likely be selected Problem: each peer has limited past experience, knowing few other peers Ask friend opinion of other peers Weight their opinion by your trust in them Problem: various number of friends for each peer What their opinion of peer k Ask friend j Weight your friend’s opinion by how much you trust them

7 EigenTrust Combine and enhance Comprehensive
Comprehensive, i.e., knowing all peers Lower overhead in term of computation and storage Comprehensive Iterative friend-friend reference Ask your friend: Ask their friend: Ask until all nodes: N large, converge to same vector for every peer i Peers can cooperate to compute and store t

8 Basic Algorithm:non-distributed
Initialize Repeat until converge

9 Distributed algorithm 1
Each peer store its local trust vector Each peer store its own global trust value Each peer compute its own ti The component-wise version of is the distribution over pre-trusted peers Anti- malicious collectives and guarantee converge

10 Distributed algorithm 2
For each peer i { -First, ask peers who know you for their opinions of you. -Repeat until convergence { -Compute current trust value: ti (k+1) = c1i t1(k) +…+ cni tn(k) -Send your opinion cij and trust value ti(k) to your acquaintances. -Wait for the peers who know you to send you their trust values and opinions. }

11 Secure EigenTrust Peer should not hold its own t
Problem: malicious node can report false value Solution: different peer compute t for one peer Leverage DHT T should not be computed by only one peer Problem: malicious node can collude Solution: multiple score managers + majority rule Score manager: peer i is j’s score manager if i computes its global trust value

12 Usage of global trust value
Isolating malicious nodes bias the download from more reputable nodes Potential problem: highly trusted node overloaded Incenting freeriders to share Hinder the spread of inauthentic files

13 Performance Setup Node selection in trust system
Deterministic algorithm => overload Probabilistic algorithm => balanced

14 Performance Thread Model A:Individual Malicious Peers
B:Malicious Collectives C:Malicious Collectives with Camoflouge D:Malicious Spies

15 Thread model A:

16 Thread model: B

17 Thread model: C

18 Thread model: D

19 Conclusion EigenTrust
Dramatically reduces number of inauthentic files on the network. Robust to malicious peers. Low overhead

20 Q&A

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