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Peasley Art Club March 26, 2014 Dustyn Hall, Instructor.

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1 Peasley Art Club March 26, 2014 Dustyn Hall, Instructor

2  Dale Chihuly (born September 20, 1941), is an American glass sculptor and entrepreneur.  His works are considered unique to the field of blown glass, "moving it into the realm of large- scale sculpture," (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston).  The technical difficulties of working with glass forms are great, yet Chihuly uses it as the primary medium for making artwork and environmental artwork.  Wears an eye patch because glass blew up in his eye and left him partially blind in that eye.

3  Glassblowing is a glass- forming technique that involves inflating molten glass into a bubble (or parison), with the aid of a blowpipe (or blow tube).  A person who blows glass is called a glassblower, glassmith, or gaffer.  A lamp worker manipulates glass with the use of a torch on a smaller scale, such as in producing precision laboratory glassware out of borosilicate glass.  


5 1. Take two water bottles each. 2. Pick up a stack of newspaper and some sheets of tissue paper in whatever color you find pleasing. 3. Get a cup of modge-podge (watered down glue) and a paint brush of your desired size. 4. Grab some scrap newspaper to lay down on the table. 5. Place a generous amount of glue on the bottle and wrap your newspaper around your water bottle and form the newspaper to your satisfaction. 6. Place a small amount of glue on the outside of the newspaper and place small strips or whole pieces of one color. 7. Try to be as creative as possible! 8. All of the bottles will be mounted on a pole and put on display during my project and somewhere within the school once I use it.


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