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The following options are available

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2 The following options are available
for girls: Polo shirts . . .

3 collared shirts or blouses . . .
Buttoned-down-the-front, collared shirts or blouses . . .

4 a collar (not t-shirts or t-shirt-like) . . .
Blouses or sweaters without a collar (not t-shirts or t-shirt-like) . . .

5 Acceptable Sweaters, Pants, & Jacket

6 T-shirts and exposed midriffs are NOT ALLOWED

7 Too Sheer Shoulder Double - and Midriff Trouble

8 Sleeveless tops that are at least three fingers width across the shoulder ARE ALLOWED.
Traditional tank tops are NOT ALLOWED

9 3” above Knee Regardless of Tights/Leggings
Proper Length for Skirts/Shorts Not More Than 3” above Knee Regardless of Tights/Leggings (Appropriate Liturgy Dress for as well)


11 The Ugg boot is OK for every day but not for
Liturgy/Special Event Dress The below shoes are not allowed at all. considered slippers and

12 Appropriate options for Liturgy Dress (except for open-toe footwear)

13 Acceptable for Liturgy
Dress / (3 inch Special Event or less heel) NOT

14 And for boys . . . The Polo or Front buttoned Collared Shirt

15 0r . . . V-neck with appropriate shirt Mock Turtle (Half-zip)
shirts or sweaters

16 Appropriate Length to be Worn Untucked

17 A sweater, NOT A LONG SLEEVE T-SHIRT may be worn without a collared shirt underneath

18 Boys’ Liturgy / Special Event Attire (Khakis Permitted)

19 Shorts Athletic Not Allowed Cargo & Twill Thumbs Up!

20 College T’s Are Fine On Fridays!


22 Sorry fellas (girls too)
. . . No hats or hoods may be worn during the school day!

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