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Group 1 Dilara Atalay Nick Jain Joann Mester Manali Pandya

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1 Group 1 Dilara Atalay Nick Jain Joann Mester Manali Pandya
Brittany Ramirez

2 Milk Deprivation- when it's not available
Effective because consumers can relate: - Reflects how people consume milk - Competitive towards coke, snapple, ect. - No milk aggravates consumers of all ages - Humorous, including celebrity endorsements

3 Extreme emphasis on commercials, celebrity print ads, social media, billboards. (Visuals)
General target audience, anyone who drinks milk, parents, teens, elderly, children

4 We would continue with the strategy
When you have a mature product, you need to get consumers to think of it in a new way Positioning is extremely important. If a consumer connects with the product, its secured a place in their mind

5 Supporting Facts After 3 months, increased aided recall to 60%
After 6 months, awareness gained 70% Resulted in “Got Milk” product line such as t-shirts and mugs In 1994, California’s milk sales increased from 740 million gallons sold to 755 The Aaron Burr ad won the Best In Show Award in 1994 Celebrities wanted to endorse the campaign because of its success. I.e. Salma Hayek, Hayden Panettiere, Taylor Swift

6 Cont. Nearcult following
Household penetration had increased from 70 percent in 1993 to 74 percent in 1995 In 1999, a national survey revealed awareness for “Got Milk” was 12 times greater than the slogan for Pepsi Awards obtained: Multiple Clio awards, Several EFFIEs Gold ADDY awards A Silver Lion at the Cannes International Advertising Festival A David Ogilvy Research Award

7 Sources

8 Miller Lite vs. Anheuser Busch
Year: 2005 Miller Brewing Co. started the fight with TV spots showing a referee penalizing drinkers of Anheuser-Busch Cos.' Budweiser and Bud Light. Calling their choice "unbeermanlike" conduct, the ref replaces the beer with Miller Lite or Miller Genuine Draft.

9 Anheuser Busch Anheuser-Busch then fired back with commercials suggesting Miller's referees were actually stealing the Bud Light for themselves, in some cases looking to run from police with their ill-gotten brews.

10 Ineffective Lack of sportsmanship between the two top beer companies
Miller Lite made unsubstantiated claims about rivals products “Upon further review, the call still stands. Miller still has more taste and half the carbs of Bud Light” Bud Lights ads include unlawful acts

11 As a result… CBS, ABC and NBC pulled three Miller ads after Anheuser-Busch complained that nine Miller ads that aired were unsubstantiated and misleading. After complaints to federal regulators and the Beer Institute trade group, consumer watchdog Center for Science in the Public Interest argued that the Anheuser-Busch commercials of beer stealing refs bolting from police depict lawlessness.

12 Old Spice: The Man Your Man Could Smell Like

13 Campaign was so popular that they turned it into a storyline
Effective Humorous and unique People respond to humor Reminded people of a forgotten brand Campaign was so popular that they turned it into a storyline Used well known icons - Fabio Social media Response videos to tweets by audience, celebrities, other brands Target audience - Campaign - female viewers - Product - male Made sure that people would remember the brand.


15 Ineffective: Terrible commercial
Sony added fake comments on their own YouTube video and other sites that linked back to them. “here’s the deal::: i (charlie) have a psp. my friend jeremy does not. but he wants one this year for xmas.” “so we started clowning with sum not-so-subtle hints to j’s parents that a psp would be teh perfect gift. we created this site to spread the luv to those like j who want a psp!”

16 Target Audience: Discontinue strategy
15 to 23 year old males who spend their free time online Discontinue strategy Sony made attempt to “apologize” “As many of you have figured out (maybe our speech was a little too funky fresh???), Peter isn’t a real hip-hop maven and this site was actually developed by Sony”

17 Effective: Easy to relate to
Still uses Dennis Haysbert’s voice at the end of the Mayhem commercials Repositions Allstate as not just selling insurance, but also protection “You get what you pay for” Funny and entertaining

18 Available as commercials and print ads
Appeals to large number of audiences Mid 20s to Late 40s

19 Continue Strategy Allows for experimenting
Different scenarios appeal to different consumers Long life

20 Anti-Drug Campaign “Just say No” was an advertising Prevalent during the 1980’s and early 1990’s. It was a part of the US “War on Drugs” The campaign was designed to discourage children from engaging in illegal recreational drug use by offering numerous ways of saying no. The Slogan “Just Say No” was created by first lady Nancy Reagan during Mr. Reagan’s presidency.

21 The phrase “Just Say No” emerged when Nancy Reagan was visiting Longfellow Elementary School in Oakland, California in There she was asked by a Schoolgirl what to do if she was offered drugs. The Campaign emerged from a substance abuse prevention program supported by the National Institutes of Health.

22 The Office of National Drug Control Policy managed to spend nearly 1 BILLION dollars on the campaign. $10 million on commercials that suggested if you use drugs you support terrorism. A 5 year evaluation of the campaign showed absolutely nothing No evidence that drug use was being curbed in the slightest result of the commercials and advertising. Making it worse for the anti-drug campaign was some emerging studies that showed children were more inclined to be curious about trying illegal drugs after seeing anti-drugs adds than if they had seen no adds at all. Researchers from Oxford University and American colleagues found that smokers showed more interest in cigarettes after being shown a series of images which contained "no smoking" signs in the background.

23 Questions??

24 Back-Ups Failed campaign Facts
Oxford Study

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