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Sheree Bell, Commissioning Officer Emily Jones, Commissioning Officer Emma Hanson, Head of Strategic Commissioning.

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Presentation on theme: "Sheree Bell, Commissioning Officer Emily Jones, Commissioning Officer Emma Hanson, Head of Strategic Commissioning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sheree Bell, Commissioning Officer Emily Jones, Commissioning Officer Emma Hanson, Head of Strategic Commissioning

2 Life expectancy and long term conditions Social Care/NHS budgets

3 A Life not a Service ! What does a good life look like for you and your family and how can we work together to achieve it?

4 We have a duty to promote well-being The Care Act: Places well-being at its heart: and makes it the primary responsibility of local authorities to promote the wellbeing of both those with care needs and carers It shifts responsibility from providing services to meeting needs Focuses on the need for services to be preventative, and stresses the importance of using the existing strengths and assets of individuals and communities an assets based approach The Care Act: Places well-being at its heart: and makes it the primary responsibility of local authorities to promote the wellbeing of both those with care needs and carers It shifts responsibility from providing services to meeting needs Focuses on the need for services to be preventative, and stresses the importance of using the existing strengths and assets of individuals and communities an assets based approach

5 Deficit ApproachAsset Approach Starts with deficiencies and needsStarts with assets in the community Responds to problemsIdentifies opportunities and strengths Provides services to usersInvests in people as citizens Emphasises role of agenciesEmphasises the role of civil society Focuses on individualsFocus on communities and neighbourhoods Sees people as clients and service users Sees people as citizens and co- producers as something to offer Treats people as passive and ‘done to’Helps people to take control of their lives ‘Fixes people’Supports people to develop their potential

6 Win / Win better care with less resources A social enterprise that can provide and/or broker care for the community Increase engagement & community activity Improve social relationships, increased Neighbourliness Capacity build employment skills Support people to live as independently as possible for as long as possible Better supporting for family carers A model for self funders too ! Outcomes

7 Newington Big Local Wye Our Place Delivering Differently….. where?

8 Tale of Two Communities NewingtonWye ‘Urban & Deprived’‘Rural & Affluent’ 5210 residents 2282 residents 14.5% are over 65 35% are over 65 20 people are 90 or over 54 people are 90 or over. 51 people receiving an ongoing support package 28 people who receive an ongoing support package. The total annual spend is over £168,000 The total annual spend is over £358,000

9 Theory of ChangeFind Location Familiarisation with location & history Identify KCC support, resources & timeframe Engage community activists, other statutory community and voluntary sector bodies Make formalised contact with the community Formal co-design group created Communications strategy developed and implemented Baseline data collectionViable models identifiedModel options appraisal Preferred model identified Outputs, outcomes and impacts identified Co-produced business plan developed Model implemented Delivering Differently Model…

10 2 Kent County Council- Commissioning Officers 1 Kent County Council- Community Liaison Officer 1 Ashford Borough Council- Housing Manager 1 Ashford Volunteer Centre Manager 1 Public Health Wellbeing Specialist 11 Resident volunteers Of which includes: A Priest A Poet The Wye Surgery PPG Vice chair A District Nurse An Ashford Borough Councillor A Community Agent Parish Councillors Two Carers Wye: So who is in the group so far…..?

11 Planning asset mapping Considering models of delivery Planning engagement with wider community Planning the communication between them and other local/national projects/peer support Identifying other support mechanisms e.g. STAMP/ Over 75 projects etc. Wye: So what are the group achieving?

12 Community Agent Wye Surgery Care Navigator Referrals, self referrals, friends and family Appointments Drop-ins Identification of trends Provision of local data

13 Community Agent Care NavigatorGP SurgeryResidents Ashford Volunteer Centre Partner Agencies (including KCC) PMG Wye Volunteers: from and for Wye Community Managed by AVC as a satellite branch Offer of support, training and development/DBS checks where necessary Befriending/gardening/dog walking/communication/community events… ? Direction given from PMG regarding need and priorities Volunteering opportunities for young people Information/trends/ideas fed to the PMG

14 1 Volunteer representative from Ramsgate Neighbourhood Plan 2 Volunteer representatives from Newington Free Church 1 Volunteer representative from Newington Community Centre 1 Volunteer representative from St Christopher’s Church 1 Volunteer representative from Ageless Thanet 1 Volunteer Big Local Chairperson Paid workers involved: NHS Health Trainer Carers Support Manager Big Local Community Development Worker Big Local Apprentice Primary School Family Liaison Officer KCC Commissioning Officer Charlton Athletic Youth Worker Newington: So who is involved the group so far..? 10 Volunteer Residents aged 15 - 94

15 Still very much in ‘Forming’ stage Completed SWOT analysis regarding members of group Set up a Facebook page & deciding on a group name ‘Stand up for Newington’ Planning vision events to consult with community around ‘What does wellbeing mean for you?’ Learning about process of co-production Accessing mentoring to apply for EU funding What are Newington doing?

16 This takes time … building trust happens slowly Incorporate and build on learning from previous work.. Our Place, Big Local Challenge existing structures of hierarchy Work with inter-personal dynamics Ensuring inclusion of all members Educating people on co-production and empowering people to make decisions about their care Establishing communication channels & methods that are both viable and cost effective Issues with obtaining and sharing data Key learning thus far ….

17 Bring this into all we do.. Build projects on right foundations Articulate outputs and outcomes In order to maximise impact and ensure evaluation is considered and built in from onset Working with our KCC Business Intelligence Team Theory of Change & Logic Modelling

18 any questions ? Delivering Differently in Kent….

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