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Better Answers Formula. Why do I use it? Who has ever gotten credit off off an assignment with these comments from your teacher: “Add more details!” “This.

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Presentation on theme: "Better Answers Formula. Why do I use it? Who has ever gotten credit off off an assignment with these comments from your teacher: “Add more details!” “This."— Presentation transcript:

1 Better Answers Formula

2 Why do I use it? Who has ever gotten credit off off an assignment with these comments from your teacher: “Add more details!” “This does not answer the question.” “You are not staying on topic.” “This is hard to follow.” “Watch your G rammar U sage M echanics ”

3 What is it? The better answer formula is a step-by-step guide to ensuring a good grade. Just like you have formulas for math and science, there are formulas for writing as well. In a formula, it is important to follow all the steps in the correct order.

4 So what are the steps? 1. Restate the question 2. Construct a gist 3. Use details to support your answer 4. Check to make sure that your details stayed on topic 5. Check to make sure that you used proper conventions

5 Step 1- Restating the Question Underline the words in the question that you will use in your answer. Cross out the words you don’t need. Change words that need to be changed (e.g. change “you” to “I”). Avoid pronouns (e.g. he/she/it)- use real names.

6 Here’s what it looks like… What did you do last night when you got home from school? What did you do last night when you I got home from school? Last night when I got home from school I …

7 Now you try * Remember, don’t answer the question yet, just restate. How do you have fun on the weekends? How would you change your school if it were possible?

8 Your restatement should look something like this… How do you I have fun on the weekends? I have fun on the weekends by… How would you I change your my school if it were possible? If it were possible, I would change my school by…

9 Step2- Constructing a Gist What is a gist anyway? A gist is the main idea or topic of your answer. Gist answers do not include details They make us want to ask, “What do you mean?”

10 Why use a gist anyway? Gist answers keep us focused on the topic. They get us to add more details later on because we are not trying to squeeze our answer into one sentence.

11 Examples of Gist Answers Last night when I got home from school (restatement) I had fun. Last night when I got home from school I did something exciting. Last night when I got home from school I did the usual thing.

12 Examples of Non-gist Answers Last night when I got home from school I watched TV, made dinner, and went to bed.  Notice how by using a non-gist answer, I try to cram all of my details into one sentence so they aren’t very descriptive. Last night when I got home from school I was so mad at my kids because they did not start dinner and I was really hungry. I had not eaten lunch and really wanted my dinner ready! Kids these days!  Notice how by not using a gist, I get off topic from the original question.

13 Now you try How do you I have fun on the weekends? I have fun on the weekends by… How would you I change your my school if it were possible? If it were possible, I would change my school by…

14 Some examples from actual students I have fun on the weekends by… – doing the unusual thing – getting on my parents’ nerves – hanging out with my friends If it were possible, I would change my school by… – changing the schedule around – playing with time – making new rules

15 Step 3- Adding Details Now is your chance to add all of those juicy details that your teachers love. Make sure that your details stay on topic with your gist. – e.g. If your gist says, “Last night I did something outrageous.” One of your details should not be “I sat on the couch and watched TV.” And now it’s time!

16 Now you try Add details to one of the sentences you created using your gist. If you are finding that you don’t have enough answers to support your gist, change it to fit your details. You should add 2-3 sentences of details.

17 Examples from students If it were possible, I would change my school by doing something fun. I would make a whole class for sleeping. There would be soft fluffy beds and warm blankets in the room. I would make this class the first period of the day. The only kids that could go to this class would be kids who are very, very sleepy.

18 More examples I have fun on the weekends by hanging out with my friends. On Friday nights, we like to have sleepovers. We rent movies, make popcorn, and stay up talking all night. We also like to go to the mall on Saturdays. Our parents drop us off there for two hours and we get to go shopping and get pizza at the food court.

19 Step 4- Check to make sure that you stayed on topic and answered what the question was asking. Your gist needs to match what the question is asking and Your details need to match your gist

20 Why aren’t these responses staying on topic? How do you have fun on the weekends? On the weekends, I always have so much homework. I hate school so much. Mrs. Smith is the worst teacher ever. She gives homework every night! I bet when she was a kid, she never had to do homework on the weekends.

21 Cont. How do you have fun on the weekends? I have fun on the weekends by spending time with my family. We like to go out to dinner on Friday nights at our favorite restaurant, Mario’s. I always get spaghetti and meatballs. On Saturday I have to clean my room and then I usually do something with one of my friends. I love sleeping in late on the weekends too.

22 Step 5- Checking for conventions Check that each sentence starts with a capital and ends with a punctuation mark Check for spelling Check for run-on sentences Check for any words that don’t make sense or that you forgot to add

23 Now you’re ready You now have all the tools you need to be a successful writer when answering short response questions. Remember: Following the Formula=Getting a Good Grade

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