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Natural Environments. T he IFSP team determines if it is necessary to consider providing services outside of the natural environment. Remember: Parents.

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Presentation on theme: "Natural Environments. T he IFSP team determines if it is necessary to consider providing services outside of the natural environment. Remember: Parents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural Environments

2 T he IFSP team determines if it is necessary to consider providing services outside of the natural environment. Remember: Parents are part of the IFSP team. Make sure we have documentation how they are apart of the process. If the IFSP team considers the child/families needs and concerns, priorities and resources and determines that to meet the individual needs of the child, services must be provided in a location that does not meet the definition of “natural” is necessary, then it is defensible under the law. If we are “honestly” and “authentically” following this process then we are in compliance.

3 Team Process Step 1 (Question) Questions to ask when thinking about bringing a child into center-based services. 1.What is the reason that a child’s progress/goals are not being met in their natural environment? 2.Has “satisfactorily” progress for the infant or toddler been made in a natural environment? Do we have documentation of lack of progress or concern that is not being met in NE? -Review goals -Document concerns on home visit notes -Documentation of team discussion on child study notes

4 2. Have we seen the child long enough to determine that they need center-based services? Best practice: Work with the child for 3+ months before considering center-based services.

5 3.Could we better address this goal through increased frequency in the natural environment? Best practice: Increase intensity in the home then re-address progress in a few months. (e.g. move from 1 x a month to 2 x a month)

6 Step 2 (Goals) Goal(s) for center-based services Should have a goal on IFSP to address the goal that shows the skill working on in the class room and how they will be able to implement in their Natural Environment.

7 Example A child who has extremely difficult behaviors. Parents report it is difficult taking the child to neighborhood playgroups. Goal Examples Bill will decrease hitting other children so that he will be able to interact with peers in his neighborhood playgroup. Parents will learn strategies/tools to help Bill interact with other children so that he will be able to interact with peers in his neighborhood playgroup.

8 Adding Goals Whose responsibility is it to add the goal? In child study the team will determine which team member will add the goal with the family. Service Coordinator – responsibility to follow- up and make sure a goal is placed on the IFSP.

9 Step 3 Justification Statements “a justification of the extent, if any, to which the services will not be provided in a natural environment”. A justification statement may be reflective of the family’s concerns and priorities, or a determination that the natural environments are not conducive to achievement of the child and family outcomes. No individual member of the team may unilaterally determine the setting for service delivery.

10 Justification Statement Example Parents are concerned about Bill’s social skills because he is no longer allowed to attend neighborhood playgroups due to his behaviors/interactions with the other children. KOTM playgroup provides a safe, controlled environment with professional support to teach parents strategies/tools to manage Bill’s behaviors in a safe place before generalizing to his natural environments.

11 Services Playgroup should always have a START and STOP time indicating we have a timeline in place to return services to the natural environment.

12 Removing Playgroup KOTM internal Policy If a child has missed class 2 weeks in a row without contacting KOTM staff the facilitator of the class will contact the family to see WHY. If it is a new kid the Primary Provider will call the family. If the child misses another week (making it 3 weeks in a row). He/she will be removed from class on the IFSP. On the 4 th Monday of the month playgroup kids will be discussed to catch any kids that need to be removed. Parents need to be made aware of our policy in advance.

13 Questions?

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