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Aim: Fighting the Cold War…. 36. Lyndon B. Johnson Born: August 27, 1908, Stonewall, Texas Occupation: Teacher, Navy Commander, Public Official Wife:

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1 Aim: Fighting the Cold War…

2 36. Lyndon B. Johnson Born: August 27, 1908, Stonewall, Texas Occupation: Teacher, Navy Commander, Public Official Wife: Claudia (Lady Bird) Taylor Children: 2 girls President: 1963 - 1969 Political Party: Democratic Vice President: Hubert Humphrey (2nd Term Only) Died: January 22, 1973 Buried: L.B.J. Ranch, Texas Historical Ranking: Average



5 Johnson as President Johnson worked with Congress to give blacks the right to vote in the South with the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. He also started a "War on Poverty". He hoped to build a "Great Society". Johnson increased American involvement in the Vietnam War in Southeast Asia. Johnson started out as one of the most popular presidents of all times but that changed with the increased war, especially amongst young people. In 1968, Johnson announced he would not seek re-election. He retired to Texas and died four years after leaving office from a heart attack.

6 37. Richard M. Nixon Born: January 9, 1913, Yorba Linda, California Occupation: Lawyer & Public Official Wife: Thelma (Pat) Ryan Children: 2 girls President: 1969 - 1974 Political Party: Republican Vice President: Spiro T. Agnew & Gerald R. Ford Died: April 22, 1994 Buried: Richard M. Nixon Library, Yorba Linda California Historical Ranking: Average to Failure



9 Nixon as President Nixon's first problem was the war in Vietnam. He began to slowly withdraw troops and on January 27, 1973 signed a cease-fire. However, the last troops would not be withdrawn until 1975. He was the first President to visit Communist China in February of 1972 and then Russia in May 1972. He worked to greatly improve relations with communist countries. He brokered a cease-fire between Israel, Egypt, and Syria in 1973. In 1972, a group of men broke in the Democratic headquarters to steal secret information. The men turned out to be working for the Committee to Re-Elect the President. Nixon denied knowledge of the events; however, secret White House tape recordings proved otherwise. On August 14, 1974, Richard Nixon became the first President to resign the office because he faced certain impeachment and conviction. Gerald R. Ford who was appointed as Vice President upon the resignation of Spiro Agnew would become the new President.

10 38. Gerald R. Ford Born: July 14, 1913, Omaha, Nebraska Occupation: Lawyer & Public Official Wife: Elizabeth Bloomer Children: 3 boys & 1 girl President: 1974 - 1977 Political Party: Republican Vice President: Nelson Rockefeller (Appointed) Died: December 26, 2006 Buried: Grand Rapids, Michigan Historical Ranking: Average



13 Ford as President Ford is the only one of two people to serve as Vice President without being elected (Nelson Rockefeller is the other) and the only person to serve as President without being elected to that office. Ford's first act as President was to give President Richard Nixon a full and complete pardon for any and all crimes he may have committed against the federal government. Ford hoped this would end the Watergate matter. Many were angry at Ford and especially at Nixon for the Watergate Crimes. Ford lost his re-election bid to a peanut farmer from Georgia; Jimmy Carter. Historians have been kind to Ford realizing that he was in a bad situation that he did not cause and that he could not get out of.

14 39. Jimmy Carter Born: October 1, 1924, Plains, Georgia Occupation: Peanut Farmer, Engineer, & Scientist Wife: Rosalynn Smith Children: 3 boys & 1 girl President: 1977 - 1981 Political Party: Democratic Vice President: Walter F. Mondale Historical Ranking: Failure



17 Carter as President Carter is actually considered one of the worst President's we have had. Carter turned over control of the Panama Canal to Panama. The US Economy was in shambles and Iran took dozens of US Embassy workers hostage for 444 days. The hostages would eventually be released upon Reagan's inauguration. Carter's major success as President was known as the Camp David Accords. This was a Peace Treaty that he helped negotiate between Anwar el-Sedat of Egypt and Menachem Begin of Israel. This ended a series of on and off wars between the two countries. Carter lost his re-election bid to a famous Hollywood actor and Governor of California, Ronald Reagan. The victory was a landslide.

18 40. Ronald Reagan Born: February 6, 1911, Tampico, Illinois Occupation: Actor & Public Official Wife: Nancy Davis (2nd Wife) Children: 2 boys & 2 girls President: 1981 - 1989 Political Party: Republican Vice President: George H.W. Bush Died: June 5, 2004 Buried: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, California Historical Ranking: Great



21 Reagan as President Reagan came to power with the American economy in shambles. He immediately put forward tax cuts which helped to allow businesses to hire more workers which in turn allowed the people to begin spending money to help the economy grow. He also called for drastic cuts to government programs to save money. Reagan also drastically increased the country's defenses. Reagan sent troops to help various countries in Central America. At the beginning of Reagan's second term, his approval rating was 70%. He stood firm against terrorism which was on the rise. Reagan warned Muammar al-Qaddafi of Libya to stop sponsoring terrorism. When he did not Reagan bombed Libya. Reagan's administration was marred by a scandal involving the exchange of weapons, money, and American's being held hostage. Reagan was cleared of any wrongdoing. Another problem for President Reagan was the United States debt which was over 200 billion dollars. Reagan was very popular though especially because of his good friendship with the Communist leader of Russia, Mikhail Gorbachev. Russian Communism was on the verge of collapsing, the Berlin Wall would soon be torn down, and Germany would be a united Country.

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