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 We broke these down into three categories:  1. School Issues  2. City / State Issues  3. Personal Ideas.

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2  We broke these down into three categories:  1. School Issues  2. City / State Issues  3. Personal Ideas

3 1. School Issues - Computer Security / Filters - Elective Cuts / School Budget Issues - Bullying at School - Solar Panels for Schools - More Creative Fundraising - IPods too Loud (Hearing Loss) - School Start Times

4 2. City / State Issues - Increase Recycling - Pets on the Loose / Stray Animals - Domestic Abuse - Cleaner air and water - Community Gardens / Rainwater gardens - Childhood Obesity - Racism in town / schools - A Community Center (more activities)

5 3. Other Ideas - Homelessness (Dorothy Day House) - Fix up old buildings (Small business renovations) - Mosquitoes - Emerald Ash Borer - Diabetes Awareness - Eating Disorders (Bulimia / Anorexia) - Alternative Energy - Recycling (better / more)

6 - Getting Kids outside and active - Decreasing Light Pollution - Invasive Plants (Buckthorn) - Year round schools - Natural Spaces for Schools - Water quality in our streams and rivers - Ebooks and iPads in schools - Decreasing the “haze” over Rochester - Saving ‘Heirloom’ plant species

7 Some topics have been way overdone in recent years. Therefore: No projects dealing with: 1. School Lunch 2. Sports Injuries (the concussion group did a great job with this) 3. Backpacks or lockers

8  1. Make sure you sign the sign-up sheet for your group.  2. Decide on an idea to research. Make sure your idea is important enough to make a difference in people’s lives.  3. Find as much information about your topic as possible! (Become an expert on your topic)

9 3. Become an expert on your topic! What is the history of your issue? What have others done to solve your issue? What data can you find about your issue? Can you create a timeline of events that relate to your issue?

10  Try going to the Christopher Columbus website to look at past ideas that have won. (

11  Your ‘5 First Questions’ is due by the end of class on Thursday.  You will spend 5 minutes sharing your ideas next Friday. (This is all of the questions on your ‘5 First Questions’ worksheet and your solution idea.

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