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CREATIVE AND CULTURAL TRADE SHOW INDUSTRY FEEL EXPO 2016 Company Object and Ejecutorias 3A PRODUCTIONS SAS is a Company that organizes events, trade shows,

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2 CREATIVE AND CULTURAL TRADE SHOW INDUSTRY FEEL EXPO 2016 Company Object and Ejecutorias 3A PRODUCTIONS SAS is a Company that organizes events, trade shows, seminars, congresses and similar, with 20 years’ experience. Some of its executions are related with social, cultural and environmental education projects with extensive citizen participation. During the last seven years it has held FEEL EXPO, the Latin American Entertainment Trade Show, which has gathered in Corferias different sectors of this growing industry, focusing in the promotion of new talents in music, houses of culture of different departments in Colombia, foundations and artistic and cultural associations, community and online radio stations and in general, entities related with recreations, sports and spare time activities, stimulating entrepreneurship, creativity, and cultural idiosyncrasy of the Colombian people, focused towards productivity and product and service positioning of exhibitors.

3 CREATIVE AND CULTURAL TRADE SHOW INDUSTRY FEEL EXPO 2016 In 2015, the Latin American Entertainment Trade Show changed is name to CREATIVE AND CULTURAL TRADE SHOW INDUSTRY, with emphasis in the so called Orange Economy, topic with which it compromised since 2014 and which would dedicate a great part of its communication platform on the web and its Facebook Page and its twitter account @FEELEXPO. FEEL EXPO 2016 is an event which started turning into the most important window of the Orange Economy in Latin America to take place in Bogota, where 92% of the creative industry, 90% of the audiovisual industry and 75% of the digital industry in Colombia is based, qualifying it as an international entertainment and cultural epicenter. The growth dynamics that this sector experience in the world commerce explains why many countries have sought to integrate the Orange Economy as part of its development strategies..

4 CREATIVE AND CULTURAL TRADE SHOW INDUSTRY FEEL EXPO 2016 Headquarters and Dates On April 13 & 14, 2016, the VIII CREATIVE AND CULTURAL TRADE SHOW INDUSTRY, FEEL EXPO 2016 will take place in pavilions 21, 22 and 23 of the Great Hall at Corferias. The area available for stands, presentations and stages is 3,500 square meters. The rooms for the formation and training processes are located on the second floor of the same Great Hall.

5 CREATIVE AND CULTURAL TRADE SHOW INDUSTRY FEEL EXPO 2016 Invitation A. Direct Participants : Exhibitors of the Commercial Trade Show related with the Cultural, Art and Creatifity and Video Gaming industry. Groups and people participating in the Cultural Festivals and artistic presentation. Offerors and buyers in Business Rounds. B. Strategic Allies and Support: The following strategic alliance and search for support are being done: Asociación de Emprendedores de Colombia, Emprenda, Emprende con Éxito, PRANA, Federación Unión Nacional de Organizaciones Artísticas UNO A, Confecámaras, Universidad Sergio Arboleda Escuela Internacional de Administración y Marketing, Bogota Chamber of Commerce, CCB, Industrias Culturales y Creativas ICC – Programa, Bogotá Creativa, Comité Olímpico Colombiano, COC, Dirección de Emprendimiento del Ministerio de Cultura de Colombia, BID, Washington, Office of Eternal Relations, Actores Sociedad Colombiana de Gestión SCG, Fundación Actores SCG, Revista Go Guía del Ocio, Lorena Petersson – Comunicaciones.

6 CREATIVE AND CULTURAL TRADE SHOW INDUSTRY FEEL EXPO 2016 Invitation C. Visitors: Visitors are focused in managers of cultural and entertainment industry and business, communication media, manager of human resources and marketing of great companies and multinationals, cultural attaches of embassies, managers of malls, directors of compensation funds, chambers of commerce and also congressmen and representatives of Government entities and NGO’s which work in cultural and entrepreneurial topics and public and private institutions which promote sports and recreation in Colombia. Universities in Bogota, schools and secondary education institutions, music and artistic academies and also art and music faculties of pre-graduate programs in higher education will also be invited.

7 CREATIVE AND CULTURAL TRADE SHOW INDUSTRY FEEL EXPO 2016 Purpose 1.To promote the cultural economy sector motivating its natural actors to participate in the different events of FEEL EXPO 2016. 2.To guide the leaders of productive units related with culture to reach sources of resources in different state entities of the national, departmental and/or district order and also to identify financing sources from private companies or economic groups interested in actions of Company Social Responsibility (CSR). 3.Support small companies to look for international cooperation organisms interested in promoting our culture in visual and scenic arts, handcrafts, film, folklore, music, TV and radio and video games. 4.Articulate efforts to seek meeting scenarios and links joining all the actors of this economy to accelerate the operative and economic results and project sustainability.

8 CREATIVE AND CULTURAL TRADE SHOW INDUSTRY FEEL EXPO 2016 Components A. Academic B. Cultural C. Commercial (Presentations) D. Networking (Business Rounds)

9 CREATIVE AND CULTURAL TRADE SHOW INDUSTRY FEEL EXPO 2016 A. Academic Component The object is to open a dialogue and knowledge space about the central topic of the trade show, the Orange Economy.. 1. Conferences: -Concept of Orange Economy from the point of view of the Inter American Development Bank –IDB. -Entrepreneurship and cultural industries in Colombia. -Sources of finance for cultural projects -Innovating strategies of public formation.

10 CREATIVE AND CULTURAL TRADE SHOW INDUSTRY FEEL EXPO 2016 2. Copyright Discussion Group: We suggest to include a discussion group with an attorney specialized on Copyright matters. The lecturer or moderator we present is Nicolas Urdinola, who is not only a jurist, but who is also a professional musician, which will give a special attractive touch to his presentation. 3. Assemblies: In the frame of FEEL EXPO 2016 we will hold ordinary general assemblies of EMPRENDA, the Uno A Federation, Do it Successfully. 4. Histories of success in cultural entrepreneurships: We are able to carry out a survey to find inspiring success histories.

11 CREATIVE AND CULTURAL TRADE SHOW INDUSTRY FEEL EXPO 2016 B. Sample Component  80 Stands measuring 9 and 18 M 2  Exhibitors Profile. We expect exhibitors of small and medium size companies, with a basic business organization and that their purpose is to extend their contact net and find new markets for their products, besides strengthening themselves as productive units.  Exhibitor Financing: For financing exhibitors who do not have the economic means to pay for a stand in FEEL EXPO 2016, we will seek resources coming from entities who support them such as SENA, CCB, INNPULSA of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, Ministry of Culture and others.

12 CREATIVE AND CULTURAL TRADE SHOW INDUSTRY FEEL EXPO 2016 C. Cultural Component -Culture Regional Festival: Musical and folk groups will be presented, representative groups and dances from the different departments and regions of Colombia. This will be coordinated with Federacion UNO A. 3A PRODUCTIONS SAS contacts will be taken on the representation of the departmental houses in Bogota. -Plays, Micro-theater and Schools of Art: The presentation of six plays will be done during FEEL EXPO 2016, coordinated with the SCG Actors Foundation, Gimnasio Actoral and other theater schools. -Tecnopark- SENA Videogames Awards: A video game innovators contest will be coordinated together with SENA.

13 CREATIVE AND CULTURAL TRADE SHOW INDUSTRY FEEL EXPO 2016 D. Networking Component Created to arrange meetings and business among the representatives of private companies, institutions and governmental organisms. Business Rounds: 50 Buyers / 20 Offerors With a purchasing public, we expect to summon businessmen interested in hiring cultural businessmen, communication and marketing directors, compensation funds directors, etc.

14 STANDS: Exhibit your product in FEEL EXPO 2016 Window and motor development in the creative, cultural and entertainment industries. The minimum base of each stand is 9 Mts2 (3x3). From this measurement, the customer may choose 18, 27, 36, 45 y 54 Mts2 stands. 3x3 (9 m2) Stand Rental with dividing panels, frieze with the name of the exhibiting Brand, a rug, a table and three chairs. $ 2,500,000 COP + TAX CREATIVE AND CULTURAL TRADE SHOW INDUSTRY FEEL EXPO 2016 Trade Show Business Offer

15 The Brand will be included in all the communication and promotion plan previous to the trade show. It will be included in press bulletins and mentioned in interviews, obtaining important branding during the two days of the trade show with loyalty opportunities from customers and merchandising activities. Participation Offer: Banner advertising at the entrance of Corferias. Presence of brand and merchandising in the registration area. Branding posts in the trade show. Flag Plaza: Branded inflatable sphere. Virtual signs on the web. Welcome backing in the entrance pavilion. CREATIVE AND CULTURAL TRADE SHOW INDUSTRY FEEL EXPO 2016 Sponsors

16 Advertising in side entrances to the pavilion. Banners on internal walls of the Pavilion. Vertical hanging banners. Advertising in the Networking room. Advertising on the main stage. Advertising in conference halls. Brand presence on tables and billboards VIP room. Sponsor $30,000,000 COP plus TAX CREATIVE AND CULTURAL TRADE SHOW INDUSTRY FEEL EXPO 2016 Sponsors

17 Plan Business Sample

18 Contacts José Aníbal Aguirre General Director 3A Productions S.A.S Mobile: + (57) 315 331 3433 Tel.: + (571) 802 4973 Lida María Roldán Executive Director 3A Productions S.A.S. Mobile: + (57) 312 287 0476 Tel.: + (572) 5134576 Nathalia Lascano Marketing Director Mobile: + (57) 321 345 2947 Diana Campeón Administrative Director Mobile: + (57) 317 747 9102

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