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RUNNING YOUR SOCIETY.  Society gatherings  AGM/Handover  Goals/Development Planning  Equality and Diversity  Data protection  Activities Disciplinary.

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Presentation on theme: "RUNNING YOUR SOCIETY.  Society gatherings  AGM/Handover  Goals/Development Planning  Equality and Diversity  Data protection  Activities Disciplinary."— Presentation transcript:


2  Society gatherings  AGM/Handover  Goals/Development Planning  Equality and Diversity  Data protection  Activities Disciplinary & Appeals  Society Membership AIMS OF THIS WORKSHOP

3 Types of gatherings  Activities for membership Regular gatherings should be held to allow for members to engage, communicate and allow everyone to have input in the direction of the Society.  Committee meetings You should meet with your Committee as often as required to plan and organise your activities  AGM (Annual General Meeting) End of year meeting for handover, review, ideas for coming year and election of new Officers SOCIETY GATHERINGS

4  Create an action plan for leading up to and at the activity  Complete and submit an Activity Proposal Form  Advertise the activity at least 2 weeks before it takes place.  Get membership input and buy in SOCIETY GATHERING TIPS

5 A handover must have:  A completed Handover Pack (including aims, goals and election results)  A handover meeting with the Volunteering & Activities Coordinator and the Societies Federation President  A student-led Committee of at least three students elected in your AGM  A Shadow period AGM/HANDOVER

6 An agenda is important to keep the meeting on track and ensure everything important is discussed. The Secretary is responsible for putting the agenda together and should request items for discussion, and then distribute the agenda to all attendees in advance of the meeting. A basic agenda template looks like this:  [Meeting Name (e.g. – Anime Society Committee Meeting)]  [Date, time and location]  Apologies for Absence (this is where apologies from those who do not attend should be read out, and the minute taker should note this)  Approval of last meeting’s minutes (in case anyone has any issues with them)  Action points from last minutes  Officer’s review  Agenda Item 1  Agenda Item 2 (etc)  AOB (Stands for ‘Any Other Business)  Elections  Date and Time of Next Meeting AGM/HANDOVER WRITING AN AGENDA

7  Type of activities  How often  How your going to make it happen GOAL PLANNING

8  Lessons learnt  Knowledge, experience and momentum  Successes, pitfalls and dangers  Skills, training and contacts  Direction and aims  SMART GOALS/DEVELOPMENT PLANNING

9 GoalLead How are you going to measure your success? When are you planning to complete the goal? Goal 1. Participation Goal 2. Diversity Goal 3. Quality Goal 4. Resources GOALS/DEVELOPMENT PLANNING In setting you goals for your Society for the upcoming academic year make sure they are balanced and that there is a goal that relates to each of the following four areas: Participation, Diversity, Quality and Resources Each goal needs to be S pecific, M easurable, A chievable, R elevant and within a set T ime frame.

10  The Students’ Union will provide a safe and comfortable space for students to socialise, study and enjoy irrespective of race, gender, age disability, sexuality, religion or any other irrelevant distinction.  The Students’ Union will actively campaign and raise awareness on behalf of all students to promote equal opportunities and diversity.  The Students’ Union takes its role seriously in ensuring that its values are maintained throughout its activities and dealings with students and in promoting this to the wider community. EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY The UCSU Equality Statement

11  The UCSU adopts the University’s Data Protection Policy  No personal information will be given out to anyone without prior consent  Exception to this rule is in an emergency e.g. to a hospital or medical professional when your health is at risk and you are not able to give your specific consent. DATA PROTECTION

12  Disciplinary - Process for resolving an issue or complaint that has been made  Appeal – Process for the reversal of a decision that has come from the disciplinary process  Formal vs non formal ACTIVITIES DISCIPLINARY & APPEALS

13  Disciplinary Scenario Exercise

14 The UCSU recognises two levels of membership within Societies. These are Members and Associate Members.  Society member A current full time or part time student enrolled on a University of Chichester course.  Associate Member Any person employed by the University of Chichester, alumni; or any member of the public over the age of 18 wishing to join a Society SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP

15  University is a great opportunity to participate in a diverse community and take part in various student activities.  However, if you want to increase your membership you may want to consider why some groups of students are discouraged from joining your Society.  It may mean that you need to communicate to students slightly differently or think about how your activities could be made more accessible. Barriers to involvement

16  Voting rights and input into direction of your Society  Discounts to Societies Federation events including entry at the Zee Bar on Monday nights.  Discount branded membership clothing  The ability to take part in the annual UCSU Awards  Ability to join all Societies.  Personal Accident Plan Insurance Membership benefits

17  Societies Federation President Hannah-Marie Hill  Volunteering & Activities Coordinator Casper Beade Rioseco 01243 816339  Head of Student Engagement Mike Riley 01243 816392 ANY QUESTIONS?

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