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UNIVERSITY of WISCONSIN-MADISON Computer Sciences Department

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1 UNIVERSITY of WISCONSIN-MADISON Computer Sciences Department
CS 739 Distributed Systems Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau Byzantine Generals One paper: “The Byzantine Generals Problem”, by Lamport, Shostak, Pease, In ACM Transactions on Programing Languages and Systems, July 1982

2 Motivation C1 majority(v1,v2,v3) C2 C3
Build reliable systems in the presence of faulty components Common approach: Have multiple (potentially faulty) components compute same function Perform majority vote on outputs to get “right” result C1 C2 C3 majority(v1,v2,v3) f faulty, f+1 good components ==> 2f+1 total

3 Assumption Good (nonfaulty) components must use same input
Otherwise, can’t trust their output result either For majority voting to work: All nonfaulty processors must use same input If input is nonfaulty, then all nonfaulty processes use the value it provides

4 What is a Byzantine Failure?
Three primary differences from Fail-Stop Failure Component can produce arbitrary output Fail-stop: produces correct output or none Cannot always detect output is faulty Fail-stop: can always detect that component has stopped Components may work together maliciously No collusion across components

5 Byzantine Generals Algorithm to achieve agreement among “loyal generals” (i.e., working components) given m “traitors” (i.e., faulty components) Agreement such that: All loyal generals decide on same plan Small number of traitors cannot cause loyal generals to adopt “bad plan” Terminology Let v(i) be information communicated by ith general Combine values v(1)...v(n) to form plan Rephrase agreement conditions: All generals use same method for combining information Decision is majority function of values v(1)...v(n)

6 Key Step: Agree on inputs
Generals communicate v(i) values to one another: 1) Every loyal general must obtain same v(1)..v(n) 1’) Any two loyal generals use same value of v(i) Traitor i will try to loyal generals into using different v(i)’s 2) If ith general is loyal, then the value he sends must be used by every other general as v(i) Problem: How can each general send his value to n-1 others? A commanding general must send an order to his n-1 lieutenants such that: IC1) All loyal lieutenants obey same order IC2) If commanding general is loyal, every loyal lieutenant obeys the order he sends Interactive Consistency conditions

7 Impossibility Result With only 3 generals, no solution can work with even 1 traitor (given oral messages) commander attack retreat L1 L2 What should L1 do? Is commander or L2 the traitor???

8 Option 1: Loyal Commander
attack attack L1 L2 retreat What must L1 do? By IC2: L1 must obey commander and attack

9 Option 2: Loyal L2 commander retreat attack L1 L2 retreat
What must L1 do? By IC1: L1 and L2 must obey same order --> L1 must retreat Problem: L1 can’t distinguish between 2 scenarios

10 General Impossibility Result
No solution with fewer than 3m+1 generals can cope with m traitors < see paper for details >

11 Oral Messages Assumptions A1) Every message is delivered correctly
A2) Receiver knows who sent message A3) Absence of message can be detected

12 Oral Message Algorithm
OM(0) Commander sends his value to every lieutenant OM(m), m>0 For each i, let vi be value Lieutenant i receives from commander; act as commander for OM(m-1) and send vi to n-2 other lieutenants For each i and each j not i, let vj be value Lieut i received from Lieut j. Lieut i computes majority(v1,...,vn-1)

13 Example: Bad Lieutenant
Scenario: m=1, n=4, traitor = L3 C L1 L3 L2 A OM(1): C OM(0):??? A R L2 L3 L1 Decision?? L1 = m (A, A, R); L2 = m (A, A, R); Both attack!

14 Example: Bad Commander
Scenario: m=1, n=4, traitor = C C A A OM(1): R L2 L3 L1 A OM(0):??? L2 R L3 L1 A A R A Decision?? L1=m(A, R, A); L2=m(A, R, A); L3=m(A,R,A); Attack!

15 Bigger Example: Bad Lieutenants
Scenario: m=2, n=7, traitors=L5, L6 C A A A A A A L2 L6 L3 L5 L4 L1 Messages? L2 L6 L3 L5 L4 L1 A R A A A R m(A,A,A,A,R,R) ==> All loyal lieutenants attack! Decision???

16 Bigger Example: Bad Commander+
Scenario: m=2, n=7, traitors=C, L6 C R A x L3 L6 L1 L2 L4 L5 L2 L6 L3 L5 L4 L1 Messages? A R A,R,A,R,A Decision???

17 Decision with Bad Commander+
L1: m(A,R,A,R,A,A) ==> Attack L2: m(R,R,A,R,A,R) ==> Retreat L3: m(A,R,A,R,A,A) ==> Attack L4: m(R,R,A,R,A,R) ==> Retreat L5: m(A,R,A,R,A,A) ==> Attack Problem: All loyal lieutenants do NOT choose same action

18 Next Step of Algorithm Verify that lieutenants tell each other the same thing Requires rounds = m+1 OM(0): Msg from Lieut i of form: “L0 said v0, L1 said v1, etc...” What messages does L1 receive in this example? OM(2): A OM(1): 2R, 3A, 4R, 5A, 6A OM(0): 2{ 3A, 4R, 5A, 6R} 3{2R, 4R, 5A, 6A} 4{2R, 3A, 5A, 6R} 5{2R, 3A, 4R, 6A} 6{ total confusion } All see same messages in OM(0) from L1,2,3,4, and 5 m(A,R,A,R,A,-) ==> All attack

19 Signed Messages New assumption: Cryptography
A4) a. Loyal general’s signature cannot be forged and contents cannot be altered b. Anyone can verify authenticity of signature Simplifies problem: When lieutenant i passes on signed message from j, know that i did not lie about what j said Lieutenants cannot do any harm alone (cannot forge loyal general’s orders) Only have to check for traitor commander With cryptographic primitives, can implement Byzantine Agreement with m+2 nodes, using SM(m)

20 Signed Messages Algorithm: SM(m)
Commander signs v and sends to all as (v:0) Each lieut i: A) If receive (v:0) and no other order 1) Vi = v 2) send (V:0:i) to all B) If receive (v:0:j:...:k) and v not in Vi 1) Add v to Vi 2) if (k<m) send (v:0:j:...:k:i) to all not in j...k 3. When no more msgs, obey order of choose(Vi)

21 SM(1) Example: Bad Commander
Scenario: m=1, n=3, bad commander C A:0 R:0 L2 L1 What next? L1 L2 A:0:L1 R:0:L2 V1={A,R} V2={R,A} Both L1 and L2 can trust orders are from C Both apply same decision to {A,R}

22 SM(2): Bad Commander+ Scenario: m=2, n=4, bad commander and L3 C
Goal? L1 and L2 must make same decision A:0 x A:0 L2 L3 L1 L1 L3 L2 A:0:L1 A:0:L2 A:0:L3 R:0:L3 L1 L2 R:0:L3:L1 V1 = V2 = {A,R} ==> Same decision

23 Other Variations How to handle missing communication paths
< see paper for details>

24 Assumptions A1) Every message sent by nonfaulty processor is delivered correctly Network failure ==> processor failure Handle as less connectivity in graph A2) Processor can determine sender of message Communication is over fixed, dedicated lines Switched network??? A3) Absence of message can be detected Fixed max time to send message + synchronized clocks ==> If msg not received in fixed time, use default A4) Processors sign msgs such that nonfaulty signatures cannot be forged Use randomizing function or cryptography to make liklihood of forgery very small

25 Importance of Assumptions
“Separating Agreement from Execution for Byzantine Fault Tolerant Services” - SOSP’03 Goal: Reduce replication costs 3f+1 agreement replicas 2g+1 execution replicas Costly part to replicate Often uses different software versions Potentially long running time Protocol assumes cryptographic primitives, such that one can be sure “i said v” in switched environment What is the problem??

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