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© 2014 K12 Insight Introduction and Implementation.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2014 K12 Insight Introduction and Implementation."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2014 K12 Insight Introduction and Implementation

2 © 2014 K12 Insight Why Let’s Talk!? Video Overview 2

3 © 2014 K12 Insight Let’s Discuss o Tell us what you know about Let’s Talk! o What have you heard in sales presentations or in the overview video that you think will be most useful to your district? o How do you picture Let’s Talk! working for you? o Are there any important district issues or internal procedures that might impact the implementation of Let’s Talk!? o What concerns do you have related to implementing Let’s Talk!? 3

4 © 2014 K12 Insight Let’s Align o What are your current communication expectations or protocols? Who responds to questions or concerns from parents, staff members, community members, etc.? How do they respond? Is this protocol the same at the school or department level? What within this protocol works? What could be improved? o How can we integrate Let’s Talk! with your current communications protocol(s)? o How can we align Let’s Talk! with your district’s current strategic initiatives, mission, vision and core values? 4

5 © 2014 K12 Insight Let’s Demonstrate Model Community School District Let's Talk! Homepage Model Community School Distric Facebook Page Model Community School District Twitter Page Model Community School District Let's Talk! System 5

6 © 2014 K12 Insight Special Topics School Sites Setup: Interest Areas 6

7 © 2014 K12 Insight Team Members for each Interest Area who do not receive alerts when new dialogues are submitted but can be assigned to dialogues. The Interest Areas (schools, department or topics) listed on your Let’s Talk! homepage. Team Owners for each Interest Area who receive alerts when dialogues are submitted. Setup: Teams 7 Global Users who can view all dialogues but do not receive alerts for new dialogues unless they are also a Team Lead System Administrators who can view all dialogues and make changes to the setup of Let’s Talk!

8 © 2014 K12 Insight Who’s Who in Let’s Talk! Customers Customers are the source of your school system’s dialogues. Customers may be district students, faculty members, staff members, community members or parents. Users Users are school system employees who have a Let’s Talk! login. Every user has the ability to record a dialogue from within the system. Users have different kinds of accounts that allow them to use the Let’s Talk! system in different ways. 8

9 © 2014 K12 Insight Who’s Who Video 9

10 © 2014 K12 Insight Users System Administrators o Usually the school system’s Point of Contact o Can access all dialogues submitted to the school system o Can access reports that provide an overview of the dialogues received across the school system o Can make “behind the scenes” changes to the overall setup of Let’s Talk! Global Users o Usually superintendents who want to monitor dialogues across the school system o Can access all submitted dialogues and reports that provide an overview of dialogues across the school system o Cannot make “behind the scenes” changes to the setup of Let’s Talk! 10

11 © 2014 K12 Insight Users (Cont.) Team Owners o Often department heads and school principals o Receive an email alert when a new dialogue is submitted to the department or school to which they are assigned o Only one Team Owner per department or school o Responsible for either resolving the dialogue or assigning that dialogue to another team member o Can transfer a dialogue to another school or department 11

12 © 2014 K12 Insight Users (Cont.) Team Members o Often assistant principals, guidance counselors and/or department division directors o Do not receive email alerts for new dialogues o Do receive an email alert when the Team Owner assigns a dialogue to them, or when they are added to a team’s dialogue o Become the user responsible for resolving the dialogue when they are assigned a dialogue 12

13 © 2014 K12 Insight 13 Users (Cont.) Recorders o Often, school-level front office staff or Central Office staff o Not assigned to a team o Recorders enter dialogues that come to the school system through other channels. o For example, a secretary can log into his or her Recorder Account and enter a new dialogue for a phone message, an email, a post on social media or an in-person conversation.

14 © 2014 K12 Insight Let’s Setup What we need from you: o A high resolution logo o The introduction message for the Let’s Talk! homepage (text, photos, videos, other multimedia) o The final thank you message that will display once a Dialogue is submitted o A private webpage you set up with 700px width div o Your completed District Master List 14

15 © 2014 K12 Insight District Master List Your Let’s Talk! Coordinator will give you an Excel document that has been pre- populated with the schools and/or departments to be included on your Let’s Talk! homepage. Please add names and emails of team owners and team members who will participate in Let’s Talk! at each department and/or school. Please also add sequencing and sub-sequencing to this document. o Sequence: The order in which schools and departments appear on the Let’s Talk! homepage, such as Elementary, Middle, High, Central Office o Subsequence: The order in which the schools and departments appear within their sequence category Example District Master List 15

16 © 2014 K12 Insight Next Steps o Send us the setup materials o We will send you the following: A sample introduction message for your Let’s Talk! homepage The thank you message that will be sent to Let’s Talk! customers Your pre-filled District Master List This presentation for you to use and share Let’s Talk! FAQs o Schedule a Let’s Talk! training session for you and other district personnel who will be a System Administrator, Global User or Team Owner 16

17 © 2014 K12 Insight K12 Insight is a technology-based research and communications firm that helps school district leadership better engage in conversations with parents, teachers, staff, students and the general public on critical district issues. K12 Insight's approach results in greater transparency and collaborative decision-making. Watch our Candid Conversations video, at, to learn more about how we work.Candid Conversations video 17

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