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Taught by: Mrs. Rebecca (Becky) Smith Contact Information: 615-952-2811 NOTE: I will not have immediate access to or phone.

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Presentation on theme: "Taught by: Mrs. Rebecca (Becky) Smith Contact Information: 615-952-2811 NOTE: I will not have immediate access to or phone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taught by: Mrs. Rebecca (Becky) Smith Contact Information: 615-952-2811 NOTE: I will not have immediate access to email or phone contact while I am teaching your child. PRINCIPLES OF TECHNOLOGY II

2 COURSE DESCRIPTION & OBJECTIVES Principles of Technology II satisfies one science credit required for graduation. The completion of Principles of Technology I and II fulfills the requirement for a credit in Physics MY GOAL: To provide an environment that will encourage students to experience STEM topics without anxiety and allow them to see their own potential in real-world applications. This course will focus on providing an overview and understanding of the following: Momentum Waves and Vibrations Energy Converters Transducers Radiation Optical Systems Time Constants

3 COURSE EXPECTATIONS Notebooks are to remain in the classroom Lab work and Lab reports will be required Team work will be required

4 CLASSROOM RULES BE RESPECTFUL OF SELF AND OTHERS This is a classroom with many personalities and a common goal of succeeding in this class and in life - show respect, it is a direct cause of success BE RESPONSIBLE Students are in their assigned seat when the bell rings Students will have a pencil to write with, and an eraser during the entire class This classroom is a computer lab – all food, gum and drinks will remain in the holding area at the back of the classroom before class begins, until the bell rings CELL PHONES are to remain in the Cell Phone holding area at the front of the class in silent mode until the bell rings The safety and wellbeing of all individuals in the classroom is of utmost importance STUDENT HANDBOOK – All Rules Apply

5 CONSEQUENCES Positive Behavior brings Success Offensive Behavior brings: 1st: Verbal Warning 2nd: Written Warning 3rd: Written Warning – Call and/or email Parent 4th: Call and/or email Parent – ISS Severe Actions may result in ISS and or Call/email to Parent immediately TARDY POLICY A student will be marked Tardy if they are not in the classroom and prepared to begin class when the bell rings.

6 SUPPLY LIST 2” three ring hard back binder – which will remain in the classroom 1 – pocket folder – to carry homework or other papers to and from home 4 - Tab Dividers Flash Drive Loose leaf notebook paper (college or wide rule) Pencils Erasers


8 PLEASE RETURN SIGNED & DATED STUDENT NAME: ____________________________________________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE: _______________________________________________ DATE: ________________ PARENT NAME: ______________________________________________________ PARENT SIGNATURE: __________________________________________________ DATE: _______________

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