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DEFEND YOUR GENDER. Y OUR P ROJECT : Data : Information that is collected to determine results Stem-and-leaf plot : a graph that uses the digits of each.

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Presentation on theme: "DEFEND YOUR GENDER. Y OUR P ROJECT : Data : Information that is collected to determine results Stem-and-leaf plot : a graph that uses the digits of each."— Presentation transcript:


2 Y OUR P ROJECT : Data : Information that is collected to determine results Stem-and-leaf plot : a graph that uses the digits of each number to show the shape of the data Box-and-whisker plot : a graph that summarizes a data set along a number line Histogram : a bar graph with no spaces between the bars. Pie Graph : a graph of data where a circle represents the whole

3 P AGES : Cover Master Data Sheet Double Stem-and-leaf plot Girls’ Box-and-whisker plot Boys’ Box-and-whisker plot Girls’ Histogram Boys’ Histogram Girls’ Pie graph Boys’ Pie graph Vocabulary Crossword puzzle Key to puzzle Final Report


5 FAUX DATA Girls 1. 84% 2. 77% 3. 95% 4. 89% 5. 63% 6. 72% 7. 56% 8. 91% 9. 74% 10. 85% 11. 73% 12. 98% Boys 1. 92% 2. 58% 3. 79% 4. 86% 5. 73% 6. 81% 7. 97% 8. 62% 9. 94% 10. 84% 11. 22% 12. 88%

6 F AUX D ATA S TATISTICAL R EPORT Data Area: Girls Boys Mean 80 76 Median 80.5 82.5 Mode NONE NONE Range 42 75 Upper Quartile 90 90 Middle Quartile 80.5 82.5 Lower Quartile 72.5 67.5 Upper Extreme 98 97 Lower Extreme 56 22 Middle 50% Range 90 - 72.5=17.5 90 – 67.5=22.5 Upper 50% Range 98 – 80.5=17.5 97 – 82.5=14.5 Lower 50% Range 80.5 – 56=24.5 82.5 – 22=60.5 % of As3/12=25% 3/12=25% % of Bs3/12=25% 4/12=33% % of Cs4/12=33% 2/12=17%


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