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 Typed in a word doc.  Size 12 font – times new roman, calibri, or arial  Double Spaced  1” margins  Heading in the top left –  First and last name.

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Presentation on theme: " Typed in a word doc.  Size 12 font – times new roman, calibri, or arial  Double Spaced  1” margins  Heading in the top left –  First and last name."— Presentation transcript:

1  Typed in a word doc.  Size 12 font – times new roman, calibri, or arial  Double Spaced  1” margins  Heading in the top left –  First and last name  Class Period/Teacher  Date you are turning in  Book Report #1  4 paragraphs:  Plot Summary  Theme explanation  Uniqueness  Personal Opinion  In the first paragraph begin with.. Title of the book Underlined The name of the author

2  Create a jigsaw puzzle that a reader should be able to complete after reading the book.  Write an original poem, rap, or song inspired by the book you have read.  Make a vocabulary list of at least 20 words from the book with a definition and the sentence from the book.  Make a test and answer key for the book of at least 15 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions.  Write a “Dear Abby” letter pretending to be a character from the book asking for advice for a problem within the book.  Write a letter to someone in your class recommending the book to them.  Illustrate a scene from the book in color, arranging the quotations that inspired the illustration somewhere on the illustration.  Rewrite a scene from the book as a script for a play or movie.  Create a crossword puzzle using vocabulary or characters from the book.  CHOOSE ONE for your extra credit!

3  Staple the following together:  Final draft on top  Rough draft next  Outline on the bottom  Extra credit “extension item” attached.

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