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E X C E E D I N G E X P E C T A T I O N S L3-CPU IS 4490 N-Tier Client/Server Architectures Dr. Hoganson Kennesaw State University Layer 3 - CPU CPU has.

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Presentation on theme: "E X C E E D I N G E X P E C T A T I O N S L3-CPU IS 4490 N-Tier Client/Server Architectures Dr. Hoganson Kennesaw State University Layer 3 - CPU CPU has."— Presentation transcript:

1 E X C E E D I N G E X P E C T A T I O N S L3-CPU IS 4490 N-Tier Client/Server Architectures Dr. Hoganson Kennesaw State University Layer 3 - CPU CPU has three major components –Register Bank - a set of registers –ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit –Control Unit - controls the sequence of events

2 E X C E E D I N G E X P E C T A T I O N S L3-CPU IS 4490 N-Tier Client/Server Architectures Dr. Hoganson Kennesaw State University ALU ALU operates on registers –Comparisons –Math operations –manipulating bits Implemented with logic gates Operates on values stored in registers, sometimes with memory values Takes data in registers, manipulates, outputs results back to registers which operation is performed is determined by the bits in the computer instruction. The process of determining which operation to perform is called decoding

3 E X C E E D I N G E X P E C T A T I O N S L3-CPU IS 4490 N-Tier Client/Server Architectures Dr. Hoganson Kennesaw State University CONTROL UNIT Controls the sequence of events Implemented with gates and clocks generates control signals, like the one that determines read or write on a register of “D” flip-flop One traditional computer system, the control unit takes up most of the available transistor-space on the CPU chip

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