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English Language Arts 9 LA9U2L4+5 Novel Unit: The Pigman.

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Presentation on theme: "English Language Arts 9 LA9U2L4+5 Novel Unit: The Pigman."— Presentation transcript:

1 English Language Arts 9 LA9U2L4+5 Novel Unit: The Pigman

2 Agenda for the Day 1. Symbolism 2. Irony: Different Types Any general questions before we begin?

3 Symbolism Why do authors like Zindel use symbolism? What are some of the symbols in the novel?

4 Irony Dramatic irony: occurs when we know something the character does not and if he/she did know, it would change his/her course of action. e.g. when the character is about to open the closet where the axe murder has chosen to hide. It is the kind of situation where we find ourselves in suspense, wondering what will happen when they find out, or involved with the character, urging them to discover the facts.

5 Irony Verbal irony: occurs when there is a difference between what is said and what is meant. When the words can be taken two ways and often the character means it one way, but another interprets the other. e.g. The murderer poisons his victim's wine, a night cap, and tells him to, "Drink up, this will help you to sleep like the dead" or the

6 Irony Situational irony: occurs when the unexpected happens, or the expected does not happen. It is an incongruency between what appears and what is real. e.g. John, the one who initially takes advantage of and abuses the trust of Mr. Pignati, is defensive and protective when Norton shows ill intent. Situational irony is the most common, and often the most effective. We will sometimes view it as poetic justice. For example, if the character in the verbal irony example, got confused and drank his own wasn't expected but it was somehow fitting.

7 Discussing the Irony in the Novel In groups, discuss the irony that is presented in the novel. Write down your groups observations and be prepared to discuss and share them in our next tutorial.

8 Vocabulary Assassin Berserk Interrogating Mull Mundane Predicament Putrid

9 What’s Coming Up? Any questions??

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