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C HAPTER 9: O RGANIZING THE B ODY OF THE S PEECH Arranging Main Points Organizing Supporting Materials Using Effective Connectives.

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Presentation on theme: "C HAPTER 9: O RGANIZING THE B ODY OF THE S PEECH Arranging Main Points Organizing Supporting Materials Using Effective Connectives."— Presentation transcript:

1 C HAPTER 9: O RGANIZING THE B ODY OF THE S PEECH Arranging Main Points Organizing Supporting Materials Using Effective Connectives

2 S TRATEGIC O RGANIZATION Thoughtful arrangement of a speech to “achieve a particular result with a particular audience” (p. 166) Its role in perceived speaker competence and trustworthiness Evidence of critical thinking (Ch. 1) Understanding the role of the intro, body & conclusion

3 M AIN P OINTS The central points developed in a speech Typically 2 -5 points per speech Choosing the main points May emerge from the specific purpose May be aligned with the type of speech Condensing main points Consider the time limit Work toward clarity and precision

4 S TRATEGIC ORDER OF M AIN P OINTS 3 Factors Topic Purpose Audience 5 Organization Patterns – how main points are arranged Chronological Spatial Causal Problem-Solution Topical

5 C HRONOLOGICAL O RDER Main points follow a time pattern Historical How-to speeches TRY THIS Civil Rights Movement Gun Control Going Solar

6 S PATIAL O RDER Main points indicate direction Describe an object Discuss geography TRY THIS Memphis Neighborhoods The Staffordshire Hoard......

7 C AUSAL O RDER Show a cause-effect relationship MP #1 = cause MP #2 = effect You choose the order to discuss them TRY THIS The Greenhouse Effect Effects of Tobacco

8 P ROBLEM -S OLUTION O RDER MP #1 = Problem MP#2 = Solution Appropriate for Persuasive Speeches TRY THIS Capital Punishment The Welfare System

9 T OPICAL O RDER Divide Main Points into logical and consistent subtopics Most common pattern used to organize main points Typology of a phenomenon Organizing a complex topic into thematic categories TRY THIS Social Networking Access Picasso’s Period Art

10 P REPARING Y OUR M AIN P OINTS Keep Main Points Separate Balanced proportions for points (speech too) Back up each main point with supporting material Use connectives to transition between points Connectives – indicates relationship between main points Transitions – word or phrase signaling movement from one thought to the next

11 T YPES OF T RANSITIONS Internal Preview Signals what will be said Internal Summary Signals what was said Signpost Signals what is being said

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