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CHAPTER 2 EVENT CONCEPT. FUNDAMENTAL ELEMENTS OF EVENTS  Vision  Goals and Objectives  Site Selection  Promotion  Participants/Attendees  Agenda.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 2 EVENT CONCEPT. FUNDAMENTAL ELEMENTS OF EVENTS  Vision  Goals and Objectives  Site Selection  Promotion  Participants/Attendees  Agenda."— Presentation transcript:


2 FUNDAMENTAL ELEMENTS OF EVENTS  Vision  Goals and Objectives  Site Selection  Promotion  Participants/Attendees  Agenda  Budget  Timeline  Food and Beverage  Transportation  Staffing

3 1.DEVELOPING THE CONCEPT 1.1 Purpose of the event 1.2 Theme of the event Historical Geographical and cultural Sporting Film, music and entertainment Artistic Food objects

4 1.3 Venue for the event – Potential to fulfil the purpose of the event – Ambience – Location – Access by public transport – Parking – Seating capacity

5 Built features (such as stages) Cost of decoration, sound and lighting Cost of labor Logistics of setting up Food and beverage facilities safty

6 1.4 Event audience 1.5 Financial considerations 1.6 Timing of the event 1.Season 2.Day of the week 3.Time of day 4.Duration

7 1.7 Event team, contractors and other stakeholders – Event principal/client – Talent/performer/team and manager – Cast and crew – Local community – Organising committee

8 Local and government authorities Emergency services Customers Colleagues contractors

9 2. ANALYSING THE CONCEPT 2.1 Competition 2.2 regulations 2.3 marketing 2.4 Community impact 2.5 risk –Cancellation by a key performer –Non – arrival of equipment –Technical failure –Transportation crisis –Accidents 2.6 Revenue and expenditure

10 3. DESIGNING THE EVENT 3.1 Theme 3.2 Layout 3.3 Décor 3.4 Suppliers 3.5 Technical requirements 3.6 Staging 3.7 Entertainment 3.8 Talent 3.9 Catering

11 4. LOGISTICS OF THE CONCEPT Access to the site Physical limitations Dimension of the site Refrigerated storage Physical space for food preparation Toilet facilities Cleaning Catering Safety Potential damage to the site Provision of basic services

12 POSSIBLE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES  Accreditation/certification  Attract members  Celebrate  Come to a decision  Conduct business  Develop  Display  Educate  Gain knowledge  Entertain  Explore  Gain publicity  Have fun  Improve skills  Incentive enhancing  Inform  Inspire  Introduce likeminded people  Introduce new officers or board members  Introduce new product or policy  Improvement  Learn something new  Make a profit  Motivate  Network  Professional advancement  Recreation  Reward  Share and exchange information  Solve problems  Support  Train

13 TasksNotesDue Date Have pre-planning meeting Confirm defined vision Identify your goals and objectives Confirm financial goals Create environmental standards Define roles and responsibilities Begin talking about the budget Begin to develop timelines and checklists DEFINING YOUR EVENT

14 TasksNotesDue Date Decide what information will be shared? What are the target dates? Develop agenda, format, outline Define type of site required Research site locations Define type of event to have Identify participants and their demographics Decide how to get message out

15 TasksNotesDue Date Break down tasks assignments Create committees Begin talking about promotional materials How will we get our massage out? Determine how to set your fee? Will outside vendors be hired? Decide if hire outside coordination help is needed Who will be our speakers/entertainers? Create request for proposal

16 TasksNotes Prepare a budget for promotional materials Decide the methods of promotion and create material for each style Create Timelines for materials Find printer and or web designer - get bids Look into professional mailing companies Begin designing material Decide on artwork and colors Design logo if needed Designing Your Promotional Material Remember to create material with attention, interest, desire, promote action and use strong and inviting verbiage.

17 TasksNotes Name event Prepare production schedule Create registration form or sign up sheets both for web and paper Proof and then proof again all the material Decide method of promotion  Mailing Lists  Email Lists  Brochure  Advertising  Flyers  Telephone solicitation  Save the date cards  Web based Send material to printer either by hard copy or electronically Sort, distribute, deliver, mail, pass out, email, etc. promotions. Have system for immediate rsvp’s or registration or ticket sales.

18 THE GOVERNMENT PERSPECTIVE 1.National government 2.State government 3.Local government 4.The role of government in events 4.1 Venue owner / manager 4.2 Consent authority and regulatory 4.3 Service provider 4.4 funding body 4.5 Event organizer 4.6 Event / destination marketer

19 5.Event strategies 6.Creating celebration spaces and precincts 7.Events and urban development

20 THE CORPORATE PERSPECTIVE 1.Corporate use of events INTERNALEXTERNAL Annual General Meeting (AGMs) Grand opening Corporate retreatsProduct launches Board meetingsSales promotion Management meetingsMedia conferences Staff trainingPublicity events Team buildingPhoto opportunities Staff social eventsExhibitions Incentive eventsTrade missions Award nightsTrade shows Sales conferencesClient hospitality Dealer network seminarsEvent sponsorship

21 2.Association conference 3.Return on investment 1.1 Internal events 1.2 External events

22 THE COMMUNITY PERSPECTIVE 1.Community events 2.The individual perspective 3.Major events and the community

23 4.Strategies for community engagement 4.1Participation facilitation 4.2Inclusive programming 4.3Incentives 4.4Outreach 4.5Community development and capacity building 4.6Friends of the events / event alumni associations 4.7Local business engagement

24 STAKEHOLDER IN EVENTS The relationship of stakeholders Event Money/in kind Acknowledgement Editorial/advertising Promotion Payment/reward Labour/support Participation/support Entertainment /reward Management Objectives Context Impacts Media Host organization Participants and spectators Co – workers Host community Sponsors

25 STAKEHOLDER IN EVENTS 1.THE HOST ORGANISATION EVENT GENERATORSTYPES OF EVENT Government sector Central governmentCivic celebrations and commemorations Event corporationsMajor events – focus on sporting and cultural Public space authoritiesPublic entertainment, leisure and recreation, exhibitions TourismFestivals, special interest and lifestyle events, destinational promotions. Convention bureausMeeting, incentives, conventions, exhibitions ArtsArts Festivals, cultural events, touring programs, themed art exhibitions Ethnic affairsEthnic and multicultural events Sport and recreationSporting events,hosting of stage, national and international championships. Economic developmentFocus on events with industry development and creation benefits.

26 STAKEHOLDER IN EVENTS 1.THE HOST ORGANISATION EVENT GENERATORSTYPES OF EVENT Government sector EducationTraining and educational events, academic conference Local governmentCommunity events, local festivals and fairs. Corporate sector Companies and corporationsPromotions, product launches, image – building sponsorships, staff training and incentive events Industry associations EntrepreneursIndustry promotions, trade f airs, conferences ticketed sporting events, concerts and exhibitions ArtsArts Festivals, cultural events, touring programs, themed art exhibitions MediaMedia promotion

27 STAKEHOLDER IN EVENTS 1.THE HOST ORGANISATION 2. THE HOST COMMUNITY 3. SPONSOR 4. MEDIA 5. CO – WORKERS 6. PARTICIPANTS AND SPECTATORS EVENT GENERATORSTYPES OF EVENT Community sector Clubs and societiesSpecial interest group events. CharitiesFundraising and profile – building events. Sports organizationsLocal sporting events.

28 SOURCING EVENTS 1. Bidding for events 2. Franchising even 3. Developing existing events 4. Creating a new event

29 CREATING THE EVENT CONCEPT 1. Defining the purpose of the event 2. Identifying the event audience 3. Defining the timing of the event 4. Choosing the event venue

30 CREATING THE EVENT CONCEPT 5. Choosing the event concept The brainstorming processThe brainstorming process −Define the parameters of the event. −Form a group of event stakeholders and colleagues. −Brief them on the event context and the parameters of the event. −Brainstorm a wide range of event concepts and ideas. −Identify the ideas that best serve the needs of the event. −Evaluate and refine an event concept. 6. Sumarising the event creation process

31 EVALUATING THE EVENT CONCEPT 1. The marketing screen 2. The operations screen 3. The financial screen

32 The End

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