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D.E.A.R.! You will turn in a summary of what you read after the announcements!

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Presentation on theme: "D.E.A.R.! You will turn in a summary of what you read after the announcements!"— Presentation transcript:

1 D.E.A.R.! You will turn in a summary of what you read after the announcements!

2 D.E.A.R.! On ½ sheet, write a short summary of what you read, include the title of the book, the author, and the page numbers that you read.

3 Write about your Winter Break. What was the best part? Is there anything you wish you could have done, but didn’t? Fill Up a Page!!! Journal 1/2/11

4 New Year’s Resolutions... where did it all begin??begin Why do you think many people make resolutions that are so difficult to keep? What are some resolutions you have made or have heard other people make?

5 RESOLUTION... Let’s break it down (Prefix-Root-Suffix) The purpose of making resolutions is to help people solve some of their problems. re-solu-tion re = again solution = a way to solve a problem ・・ solve ・・ = Latin root meaning “ loosen ” [as in "solvent"] ・・ tion = act of or process of

6 Make Three Resolutions You will create three New Year ’ s resolutions of your own today. 1. The first resolution has to be related to your life at home (doing chores when asked, getting along better with a sister or step- parent, taking better care of the family pets, cleaning your bedroom, etc..) 2. The second resolution has to be related to your life at school (raising a grade in a particular class; getting along better with a specific teacher; getting homework done on time, etc...). 3. The third resolution is a personal choice and can be another resolution relating to home or school or one relating to life outside home or school (girlfriends, relatives, sports, or hobbies).

7 NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS - by Bruce Lansky Last year I did some rotten things. This year I will be better. Here are some resolutions I will follow to the letter: I won’t make dumb excuses when my homework isn’t done; when the truth is that I did no work ’cause I was having fun. I won’t fly paper airplanes when the teacher isn’t looking. I won’t sneak in the kitchen just to taste what they are cooking. I will not twist the silverware to see how far it bends. I will not take the candy bars from lunch bags of my friends. I will not skateboard down the hall or skateboard down the stairs. I won’t run over teachers, and I won’t crash into chairs. I will not do these rotten things; my heart is full of sorrow. But I have got some brand-new tricks to try in school tomorrow.

8 Create your own poem about New Year ’ s Resolutions! This is a quiz grade! Your Poem Will: *Be a minimum of 8 stanzas (16 lines)! (40 points) *Rhyme! (30 points) *Have an illustration! (15 Points) *Be neat and creative (15 points)

9 Ticket Out: What will you do to ensure you keep your New Year’s Resolutions?

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