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Proposed changes to the Structure, Organisation and Governance of MD 105 As agreed by the Council of Governors October 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Proposed changes to the Structure, Organisation and Governance of MD 105 As agreed by the Council of Governors October 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposed changes to the Structure, Organisation and Governance of MD 105 As agreed by the Council of Governors October 2015

2 Current distribution of Clubs England, Wales and Scotland

3 425 Members 37 Clubs Club-club max 358 miles 792 Members 51 Clubs Club-club max 120 miles 928 Members 52 Clubs Club-club max 90 miles 1069 Members 55 Clubs Club-club max 81 miles 1133 Members 67 Clubs Club-club max 125 miles 1002 Members 54 Clubs Club-club max 107 miles 1496 Members 76 Clubs Club-club max 86 miles 1590 Members 65 Clubs Club-club max 135 miles 1237 Members 61 Clubs Club-club max 161 miles 1225 Members 59 Clubs Club-club max 146 miles 991 Members 48 Clubs Club-club max 179 miles 2388 Members 109 Clubs Club-club max 248 miles 900 Members 57 Clubs Club-club max 181 miles Current Districts

4 DistrictNo of members No of clubs No of Zones 105 CE17769716 105 CN157810318 105 CW16548715 105 DE21499218 105 DW20099919 105 HC221211321 105 I238810922 105 N16589116 Grand Total 15424791145 Proposed Structure

5 Impact of Redistricting on BS If current proposals are approved at MD Convention Seven zones (A to G) will move to new District CN Two zones (H and I) will move to new District CW Clubs will stay within their current zones Current elected leadership of 1 st VDG Steve Shields and 2 nd VDG Teresa Nickson (subject to election) will complete their terms in office Other current Cabinet officers will remain in place until Districts change

6 Why restructure? Reducing the number of districts to seven (excluding Ireland) would save the MD, at least, £12,687 In addition the total cost per member could be reduced by the cost of 5 conventions, 20 cabinet meetings, an estimated 200 district officers and 5 DG allowances Increase the pool of members from which leaders can be found in each district

7 Council of Governors Council Treasurer Charities Treasurer Tax Insurance CAC Council Chairman CNRO Patron LRPC SAA Convention Centennial Lioness Council Secretary MDHQ Legal VPO Data Protection H&S Membership& Communications GLT GMT PRO LION IT Sponsorship Health Diabetes MIAB Medic Alert Sight Physical & Learning Speech & Hearing Environment International IRO Int Convention Europa Forum LCIF Youth LEOs Lifeskills YLIS Young Ambassador Youth Exch Peace Poster Current Organisation

8 Council of Governors Council Chairman CNRO Patron LRPC SAA Convention Council Secretary MDHQLegalVPOData ProtectionH&SMembership GLT GMT CommunicationsHealthInternational LCIF Youth Council Treasurer Charities Treasurer Tax Insurance Proposed Organisation

9 Why reorganise? Moves operational and financial responsibility to portfolio holders May appoint other officers to assist where needed but moves away from an officer for everything Produces savings of at least £22,500 In addition changes proposed to involvement in International Convention would save a further £6,550

10 What about Ireland? 105I have taken the first step towards leaving the MD with the following timetable: Club consultation and EGM by end of 2015 Resolution (submitted Jan 2016) to MD Convention May 2016 Proposal to International Board October 2016 Leave MD July 2017 If we do nothing and 105I leaves MD dues for each remaining member would increase by between £5 and £6

11 Next Steps Proposals issued for general consultation Nov 2015 – all clubs are encouraged to send their comments to DG Chris Aked Working group to produce implementation plan and draft convention resolutions by Jan 2016 Resolutions submitted end Jan 2016 Roadshow to explain proposals to District Conventions Jan – March 2016 Resolutions voted on at MD Convention May 2016 If successful Organisation changes implemented July 2016 Proposal on redistricting to International Board October 2016 EGMs of new districts September 2017 to elect officers and adopt constitution New district structure from 1 July 2018

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