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A Well Designed Web Application The Benefits of Object Oriented Analysis and Design Simone Becker

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Presentation on theme: "A Well Designed Web Application The Benefits of Object Oriented Analysis and Design Simone Becker"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Well Designed Web Application The Benefits of Object Oriented Analysis and Design Simone Becker

2 Agenda  Sierra and RUP  Benefits of UML  Case Study  Reference Material / Questions

3 Sierra and RUP  Sierra as a company has embraced RUP  RUP provides a methodology for software development, from project management to implementation  Even before RUP, we have utilized UML to describe the web applications we were building

4 Benefits  UML allows you to organize and model the system you are going to build in an object oriented manner  UML is very visual  Case Tool independent  You use only that which will add value to your design

5 Case Study  Department of Retirement Systems (DRS)  Electronic Services Application (eServices)

6 Case Study…Business Requirements  Requirements of proposed system are described using use cases  Use cases capture the user’s expectations of the functionality of the system – describes the observable behavior of the system at the points of interaction with users – identify which actors/roles carry out the use case – written in plain English so that they can be understood by anyone reading them

7 Case Study…Anatomy of a Use Case  Title:  Actors:  Description:  Triggers and Frequency:  Preconditions:  Normal Process:  Exception Process:  Business Rules:  Post Conditions:  Performance considerations:

8 Case Study… Technical Design  We structured the application in the typical tiers – Graphical User Interface – Business Logic Layer – Data Layer

9 Case Study… Technical Design  We identified the components and grouped them within each tier

10 Case Study… Technical Design  We identified the responsibilities of each component  Drew sequence diagrams to illustrate the interaction of the components for each use case

11 Case Study… Technical Design  Deployment Diagram

12 Case Study… Benefits to DRS  An application designed on industry standards  The organization of the system is understandable at a glance due to the visual modeling  Everyone on the team was speaking the same “language” – Business team – Technical team  The methodology and concepts are reusable to any future projects

13 Reference Material:  UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language (2 nd Edition) –By Martin Fowler, Kendall Scott Questions:

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