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12015-12-26 These materials are prepared only for the students enrolled in the course Distributed Software Development (DSD) at the Department of Computer.

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Presentation on theme: "12015-12-26 These materials are prepared only for the students enrolled in the course Distributed Software Development (DSD) at the Department of Computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 12015-12-26 These materials are prepared only for the students enrolled in the course Distributed Software Development (DSD) at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Mälardalen, Västerås, Sweden and at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia (year 2009/2010). For all other purposes, authors’ written permission is needed! The purpose of these materials is to help students in better understanding of lectures in DSD and not their replacement! NOTICE!

2 22015-12-26 Distributed Software Development

3 32015-12-26 Project Plan of transfoREMES by transfoREMES team Supervisor: Aneta Vulgarakis

4 42015-12-26 Table Of Contents Development methodology Milestones Deliverables Activity plan Financial plan Project risks

5 52015-12-26 Development methodology Reference : Rick D. Craig : Systematic Software Testing, Artech House, 2002 Using waterfall model –simple way of planning & control necessary, because distributed project 100% validated –static requirements –save much time easy concept

6 62015-12-26 Deliverables & Milestones

7 72015-12-26 Activity plan

8 82015-12-26 Financial plan – part 1

9 92015-12-26 Financial plan – part 2 * Miscellaneous costs consist of project preparation, documentation, final presentation and conferences

10 102015-12-26 Project risks Missing of deadlines –ca. 15% –Planning well & control with week reports Team member is leaving –ca. 8% –Good documentation, sharing information Miscommunication – ca. 6% –All communication is written into MoM and posted in Google Group SVN trouble & losing local data –Ca. 5% –Regular backup to safe location & SVN

11 112015-12-26 Any Questions? Many thanks for your attention

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